Varmint, no ear plugs around

I was wondering what the range of opinions here would be on this. I carry a model 10 Smith loaded with wadcutters around the farm at all times. I always wear hearing protection when practicing and usually if I can, I put some plugs in before I dispatch critters. Just occasionally though, theres simply not enough time to do that and still get a varmint. Do you rekon I should just let critters go rather than abuse my ears. Or do you not worry about single shots a couple times a year.


It's your call.

Shooting centerfire pistols without hearing protection will almost certainly cause hearing damage. How much is dependent on a lot of things that can't be readily predicted.

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
We get multiple calls weekly about deer hit by cars or sick raccoons, and have to put them down. (Dons flame retardant suit :p ) I smoke, and found that snapping the filters off of a couple of Marlboro and stuffing them in my ears works pretty well. They make small, foam plugs that fit nicely in a shirt pocket as well, and can be stuffed in your ears in about the same time it would take you to draw and line up that .38. Either way, I wouldn't shoot without something. Plenty of varmits out there, but only one set of ears ;) .


New member
Do you keep your handgun in a holster, soft case or lined plastic case? If so you can attach a film canister by heating up a paperclip and putting holes on the cannister and cap, loop a string or dog tag chain there and attached to your gun case. When you grab the gun the earplugs will be available to you instantly. I use an electronic earphones that folds nicely and available to me most of the time because they are on top of my safe or next to my standby gun. They work great for hearing protection plus amplifies sounds that I may encounter in the event of a defensive scenario. josh


New member
As you know in most situations like that there's simply not enough time to grab much less put in a set of ear plugs. I would just take the shot. Just like hunting you are outdoors, the adrenalin starts to pump, and 1 or 2 shots aren't even noticed.


New member
Switch to a K-22. Use plugs when you have time, and use the .22 without plugs when you don't. It's still loud, but not as loud as that .38!



New member
Hearing damage from loud noises in cummulative and non-repairable. Every time you fire that "it just one shot" you do a little more damage. And then, just like the pennies in the jar, the "enormity" of the accumalation reaches a point that you notice it and it will be too late. This includes all the loud stuf we do on a daily basis form the lawn mower to the MP3 Player and of course, every round you fire. Do everything you can to protect your ears. It beats the heck out of saying "huh?" all the time.
Although it does come in handy when the wife is calling.



New member
I usually keep paper towels in my car I can use them for earplugs or toilet paper when necessary. Little rougher than Charmin though... hah.

If you use your 'off' hand to plug the ear closest to the muzzle this will force you to turn your head so your other ear is on the opposite side of the discharge. You'd have to be a good single hand shot though.

Most of the time when skeet shooting I put an earplug in my ear that is closest to the chamber and leave the other one unplugged. Most of the time it works but occasionally I move my head the right way and get some ringing. This is only in the summer cause I hate wearing earmuffs or earplugs in hot weather.

If it's one shot too, I would say sure but that's your decision. No 'critter' is worth my hearing though :D Unless he/she is attacking me or someone near to me.

Could walk around with earplugs in all the time and this way you will be protected against the trash that everyone hears on a daily basis including if you need to discharge your firearm. ;)


New member
Sonic II's

I keep a pair of North Sonic II hearing protectors in my pocket all the time. They cost less than $10 and they allow you to hear normal sounds while blocking louder sounds like firearms. I used mine just this morning when I shot a deer out of my blind with a 30.06. I leave them in all day when I hunt. Last week when I took my daughter to see Seether and Audioslave I popped them in just before the music started, no ringing in the ears. I’ve used these for years. :cool:
Thanks for all the postings. I always wondered what everyone else did. I think I'll just let critters go if I can't protect my ears. So far I've been lucky, never had any ringing or anything after firing a shot in the field with my pistol, but cumulative is a scary word.


New member
If you're shooting right handed, you can use your left hand to plug your left ear, and plug your right ear by pressing it against your right shoulder, like you were holding a phone there, but take it a step further... works very well in a pinch and allows you to keep a good sight picture, but I'd be inclined to just let the critters go. :)
I was wondering what the range of opinions here would be on this. I carry a model 10 Smith loaded with wadcutters around the farm at all times. I always wear hearing protection when practicing and usually if I can, I put some plugs in before I dispatch critters. Just occasionally though, theres simply not enough time to do that and still get a varmint. Do you rekon I should just let critters go rather than abuse my ears. Or do you not worry about single shots a couple times a year.

This is a no brainer. Does the varmit in question need to be dispatched by you so badly that you are willing to abuse your hearing? Unless it is attacking you in some manner, I can't imagine the auditory damage being worth it.

The report of most handguns will be loud enough to cause hearing damage via single shots. It may only be a small amount of damage and since it only happens a few times a year, you probably won't notice the loss of hearing as it happens, but will realize much later that you can't hear as well as you used to hear. Note that hearing damage is cumulative and generally does not repair itself.

What hearing will you lose first? By and large, you will lose the abilities to hear soft sounds or to hear them clearly. You will lose hearing at the high end (high pitch). Assuming you aren't too old just yet, are you willing to risk the hearing loss that in the future will result in you having troubles being able to hear your grandchildren's voices?


New member
I don't really think that one shot is going to damage your hearing very much. Hunters fire a couple of shots without hearing protection all the time and are fine. As long as you don't make a habit of practicing without ear plugs, I think you'll be OK.


New member
Yes, it will damage your hearing to some extent. Would I worry about it? No, and never do. When I go to the range, I wear protection. When Im hunting, I do not. I hear fine.

I only live for a nax of 100 years, not going to worry about the little stuff.


New member
What hearing will you lose first? By and large, you will lose the abilities to hear soft sounds or to hear them clearly. You will lose hearing at the high end (high pitch). Assuming you aren't too old just yet, are you willing to risk the hearing loss that in the future will result in you having troubles being able to hear your grandchildren's voices?

I have no qualms about shooting a round without hearing protection. I'd prefer not to hear my wife's nagging. That's when I use hearing protection (and when she snores.)


I hear fine.
With all due respect, you can't really make such a statement unless you have had your hearing tested. Hearing damage is not usually noticeable without special testing until it has become quite severe. Most people compensate without realizing until the damage reaches the level where compensation is no longer possible.

Furthermore, there is a normal degradation of hearing with age which is accelerated or exacerbated by hearing damage. If you have been shooting without hearing protection, you have almost certainly caused some permanent damage even if you can't detect it yet. But you will--and long before you're 100.


New member
I hear just fine. I just wish everyone else would stop whispering.

What is the cliche about insane people and how they never question their sanity?