Various aftermarket handgun finishes


New member
I've been looking into refinishing a couple of handguns that I have. I've been looking into hardchroming and Metacol III by ARS. I have heard that hardchroming has a hardness of 70 on the Rockwell scale, equal to that of diamonds, and just above Tenifer. A few questions, if I may...

1) Does anyone hardchrome in Arizona?
2) How does Metacol III compare to hardchrome?
3) I have a Sig 226 that I love, but have heard the many "reports" of frame cracking. Since ARS will do aluminum alloy in Metacol III, also, could my 226 then benefit from a complete coating from a durability standpoint?
4) Basically, I want a reasonably priced finish that will make the gun corrosion resistant, virtually scratch proof, impervious to holster wear, and attractive. Added lubricity and smoothness of action are a bonus if the finishes do in fact provide those aspects also.

Any thoughts, info, or alternative solutions would be appreciated.


New member
Hi Dave: the following thread may be useful.
[Link to invalid post]

Also, there was an extensive thread on this topic at the turn of the year. I'll see what I can find and email them to you. Don't wear out the M8!



New member
1) Not that I know of, but I am sure ARS could send it off for you. One that you might have there is Armalloy. The two major gun platers are Checkmate and Accurate Plating and Weaponry, both in Florida and both do finishes for gunsmiths and manufacturers. There is another plater whose product I do not remember.
2) Metacol III is a coating not a plating, specifically MoS2. It is not as hard, it will protect the metal from rust, it is self lubricating.
3) MoS2 will not strenghten the alloy of the metal. It is a sprayed on and baked coating. The benefit is that SIG finishes are not very good to begin with and Metacol III will greatly improve the looks and protection of your pistol.
4) Sounds like you want hard chrome or TiN, but your gun will be either silver or gold in color. The corrosion resistance is a toss up, but the scratch and holster wear resistance is a function of the surface hardness and MoS2 is softer. If action smoothness and lubricity were higher on the list I would recommend NP3 from Robar for the frame, internals, and mags, then do the slide in MoS2. I am not that fond of silver or gold guns and this combo would give you a black slide and dark gray frame.


New member
Accurate Plating & Weaponry, in Clearwater(Tampa), Fl. One of, if not thee best, hardchrome finishers around. Ads are usually in the back of most gun rags. Also the Metalife brand is spoken of very highly by Chuck Taylor. Whatever you might think about him, he does put hard use on handguns.I did e-mail you. :)


New member
Thanks for the help. How does hardchrome do in terms of adding lubricity and smoothness? Can anyone quote some prices?

Jeff already gave me his thoughts on hardchrome and Black T. I just wanted to get some more opinions/insight, as well as experiences with other products (such as NP3) before I take the plunge. I'd also like to keep it in my backyard (Phoenix) if possible. It was heart-wrenching enough waiting in anticipation for my P7 to come in from Oregon. I can't imagine sending it away again to Florida for *gasp* a MONTH after just having it a few days!

Crap! Victor, I forgot that my old AOL account expired, so I never got your e-mail. My new address is now listed on my profile. Can you go to your "sent mail" and reprieve whatever e-mail you sent me?


New member
Metalife has the dual advantages of being well spoken of by everyone and being cheap--they charge $90 for a COMPLETE hard chrome job. Everyone else charges at least twice that, and I've heard occasional unpleasant experiences about both Checkmate and Accurate.


New member
I have a Witness pistol in Wonderfinish. Is the hardchroming I'd get from outfits such as Metalife similar to this finish (looks, properties, toughness, properties, etc)?
If it is, I could live with that, however, the lubricating and smoothing properties of NP3 and Black T sure sound appealing. Too bad you can't have it both ways. Or can you?


New member
Mylhouse-I had a Sig 220 done in all NP3 from Robar. Beautifully applied, even, and looked great. The only problem I ever had with it was that I made the mistake of coating the slide as well. Frequently, when I went to rack the slide my fingers would slip off. Slippery stuff. It is basically a nickel with P.T.F.E. (polytetrafluoroethylene)in it somehow. Works great. I plan on sending a Sig 229 to Robar for frame and all internals and mags in NP3 and the slide in Roguard. Robar is in Phoenix so you wouldn't have to go too far. Their site is


Matt VDW

New member
> I have a Witness pistol in Wonderfinish. Is the hardchroming I'd get from outfits such as Metalife similar to this finish (looks, properties, toughness, properties, etc)?

The "Wonder Finish" used on the Witness line of pistols is nickel, not chrome. A chrome finish will look similar with superior hardness.


New member
Had AP&W do a Witness for me; can't remember price, but the gun has NEVER jammed (I should add I don't do much cleaning/lubing).

I'd do it again.

Getting ready to send my 1911 to Robar for NP3; friend had his done and I like it. Advantage - no lube required. Disadvantage - might tighten up my already-extremely-tight custom 1911 (which I've fired 5-8,000 rounds through).

We'll see.

"All my ammo is factory ammo"


New member
Mylhouse, Robar is in Phoenix, and they do aerospace-quality work.

"All my ammo is factory ammo"