Vaquero problem. Thoughts?


New member
I have two .357 SS Vaqueros that I bought about two years apart. The first is a 510 serial number the second is a 511 serial number. The first is great and I love it. The second, I was hoping for the same but got far from it. The sights are milled wider, which I actually prefer and can have done to the older one but the action is terrible. The fit and finish on the 511 is also nowhere even close to that of the 510. Also for some reason the 511 weighs noticeable more for some reason.

I'm thinking about trading them in for a pair of SASS consecutive serial numbered ones. That way the should be as close to the same as possible. My other option is to send them of to a gunsmith to have the 510's sights widened and the action worked over on the 511 so it feels the same as the 510. Also, I put a pair of Altamont grips on them and the texture of the two is greatly different. So, I have to buy at least one more grips in hopes of getting a similar texture to one of the existing ones.

Which way do you think I should go? The fix or the trade?

Doc Hoy

New member
Is it possible.....

.....That even if you have the work done, in your mind and perhaps subconsciously these will still be two different revolvers with different characteristics?

Go for the two new revolvers and the sense will be that they are identical because, probably, they are.


New member
Yeah, that's kinda the way I was leaning toward going. Even if I take big hit on trading them in, by the time I get all the work done it'll be about the same money. I am going to make sure the new ones have smooth actions and triggers like the older one though. I don't won't to get rid of one good and one bad gun for two bad guns.

Doc Hoy

New member
I dunno, Ed....

....Vaqueros hold their value. I see used ones for just 30 bucks less than new ones.

You might sell those privately and not lose your shirt. Then go buy the new ones.


New member
Highly recommend the replacement option.

I bought a pair of SASS Vaqueros a while back and love them. I shoot gunfighter style in CAS, and try as I may, I cannot prevent the occasional mixup between my "right side" pistol and my "left side" one. They're perfectly identical to the point that I can only tell them apart by serial, especially after I clean them.

Ruger makes very sturdy guns, and Vaqueros are about as sturdy as they get. The only issue I had before purchasing my pair of wheels was that Ruger tends to slightly alter his models every 10,000 or so. While improvements are nice, this restricts the buyer to a specific range of gun serials, should he or she ever wish to replace or pair a previously purchased firearm.

That said, my personal vote is to sell/buy or trade for the SASS pair. Either way, you made a good choice already going with Ruger.


New member
The slight changes are what I'm talking about exactly. I think the SASS pair will be the best solution.


New member
I had to send my.357,4 5/8"Vaquero back to Ruger for a complete rebuild soon as it arrived. The. Factory replaced all 'cept the springs! It seems everything was wrong inside the frame!
The "fixed"revolver is wonderfull
It still shot a little to the left until I tried a box of remington 158gr RN Lead .38 Special's, which shoot centered!!! Guess you know what I stocked up on?
All revolvers have a favorite load...