Vampires and zombies?


New member
Uh, Denny, what's going on here? Love the pistol, but geez. A whole article on the history of zombie and vampire hunting in America, complete with quotes from Buffy? :confused:


Staff Emeritus
Personally, I like the article.

There is a tendency among gun writers and gun magazines to start taking themselves way too seriously.

It's a good-looking pistol, the article accompanying it is well-written and tickles my funny bone.


Harley Quinn

Vampires etc.

First Issue I have been sent in the mail, so I have been reading it, got it today. Just gave my Dec issue to my son to read. So I read the Vampire article through. Chuckled a little and wondered who is this guy, LOL...

I enjoyed it.



New member
Don't get me wrong, thought it was funny and thought the gun looked pretty good. Just didn't expect to see it in the magazine since everybody complains about all of the "Not another zombie thread" comments here.

Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
Meant soley as a tounge-in-cheek piece.

I'm admittedly biased towards S.W.A.T., but I honestly feel we offer down-to-Earth, more practical articles than anyone. With all the ubertactical stuff around we felt that, like LawDog said, we don't take ourselves too seriousy all the time.



New member
I liked it. Unlike the typical Zombie / Vampire article, there was a lot of good, unh... research! Yeah, that's it: research.

Agency history, former directors, historical perspective. Reminded me of the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense.

I look forward to an article on anti-demon weapons at the earliest.


New member
While I was reading the article, I almost thought for a moment I was reading a post from

Methinks somebody has been spending tooo much time there and it isn't me. :p


New member
What do you mean, it wasn't a serious article? Don't tell me that you don't realize that vampires and zombies exist! Let me guess: you think those creatures that suck the very life from you are really just future ex-girlfriends, and the pasty wretches lingering around IHOPs, and Krystals at 2 a.m. are just college kids.


Moderator Emeritus
Article: Funny.

Pistol: Well, I think "hideous" would be charitable, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. ;)


New member
At first glance, the article actually scared me a bit. I thought one of the goth kids had gotten off his meds AND gotten hold of a serious firearm. After all, I've met enough fanboys that reallly believe in the "Dark World" that one of these days I might encounter one packing serious heat.

Then I saw the gun and realized I had nothing to worry about :D It had to be a joke...


New member
Denny is just trying to prepare you people for the impending zombie uprising. I've tried to warn the members of TFL about this for months; finally, someone is listening! But if you want to ignore the zombie crisis, then don't blame me or Denny when the undead rise and you are unprepared.

BTW, my sources indicate that Denny is not a zombie and/or a supporter of the undead, so I'm pretty sure that we can trust him. :D


New member
Nine times out of ten when the "why do you have guns" conversation goes nowhere, I just confess that it is to combat zombies in the post-apocalyptic future. Being in seminary adds to the shock value.