Value of this Model 29?


New member
The same place had a very good condition Model 29 for sale for $700 a couple weeks ago. It was blued with 6" barrel like this one.
I'm really curious what would possibly make this gun worth that price?


New member
I'm really curious what would possibly make this gun worth that price?

It's not. Unless it has some unusual history. Was it owned by a famous person at one time?
One of my LGS's had an unturned M29 no dash with case and tools. It had a 2200 price and set for about six months before it disappeared. I bet it sold for under 2k.

Eric M.

New member
I have a Model 29-2 with a 4" barrel, in just as good condition.
Not for sale at any price.;)

OK--For You?? $2000.00;);):eek::eek:

These are great guns.


44 AMP

I have a 29-2 in the presentation case. Not the case in the picture. Not the same screwdriver either. Unless that one is a first production model, or has some special historical provenence, it isn't worth the asking price. Even if it is somehow special, I still think the price way high.

They are likely hoping for a fellow with a lot of disposable income and no desire to dicker.


New member
If this gun could be certified to be a special run model,it could be worth that price.

But it would have to come with all the paperwork and not just photocopies to be worth that.

I just checked out the rest of the guns on that sight and my wallet had a heart attack.

I'm administering CPR as I type.


New member
Ok, so now we're getting somewhere. This must be a first gen 29 from the '50's, perfect condition never shot. This is why I like forums, they help make sense of the ridiculous.


New member
I can't see the other side of it, but the box and tools are just like my first year of production Pre-29.

That blue case with the funny purple lining is just like mine and I have a factory letter that says it was shipped in july 1956. It is probably miss labeled and should read S&W .44 Magnum (pre 29) If it really is a first year of production, that seems right if its as new in the case.

This is a good excuse to use this pic of my pre 29 and Colt SAA.:D



New member
Whoops, that is a black case and the instruction manual says Model 29, if it is a Model 29 no dash new in the case, it could still be worth that much. If you found someone to buy it.:p


New member
Just for the heck of it I called, the serial # begins with S17. I think that puts it at a 1957 date, definately not a pre 29. That's the box it came with? looks like a presentation box rather than something you could carry it around in.


Now go look at Gunbroker, $1000-1500 or hold till the right buyer comes...

WildworthiswhatfolkswillpayforitAlaska TM


New member
My call was in response to a prior post of someone thinking they must have been mistaken in their description. Sorry you didn't catch that.
Why would they sell a gun brand new back in 1957 in a presentation case? I assume it sold to be used, not displayed.
It's hard to come up with any conclusions after looking at ended auctions over the last 6 months, I didn't see guns of this vintage, with box/tools.


New member
Why would they sell a gun brand new back in 1957 in a presentation case? I assume it sold to be used, not displayed.

Those cases are not very durable, I think they were pretty much for display and the initial shipping.

That satin lining is not very strong and repeated carrying or taking the gun in and out can tear it.


I don't have a pic of the inside of my 1956 case, but it looks the same. The box in the photo looks black to me, only the earliest ones were blue, however if that Model 29 was shipped in early 57 it is very possible they still had some blue boxes left to use. Also the sight adjustment tool can be either all black, like the one in he photo, or have an aluminum colored knurled handle.

Here is the way the first Goncalo Alves grips look.


I have a factory letter on mine and also sent Roy Jinks(the official S&W historian) a picture of the pistol case and tools. He assured me that they were all correct for my pistol which was shipped in July, 1956.


Worth considerably more than that.

Worth is what folks will pay for it. A gun sitting on the shelf for 5 years with an 10K sticker is worth nothing more than what you paid for it, and in some cases, far less

Trust me I know we have several:D

WildbutusuallynotboughtbymeAlaska ™