Value Of A Factory New Colt Python Elite?

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Hello All-

I was just wondering what the actual value of a factory fresh, 6" barrel
Colt Python Elite would be? This firearm as all of the original paperwork
(what I call "box and docs") even the little red hexagon tag that Colt
used to hang from the trigger guard of their firearms; and comes in an
undamaged factory blue Colt box with gold trim. Even the outside white
shipping box has no visible marks. According to the owner, this firearm
was bought brand new, right about the time that Colt decided to with
draw sales from the civilian market. I was thinking maybe $1200 would
be a good "starting point"; so am I even in the ballpark with this figure?

*FootNote- its my understanding that this firearm was shipped from
the Colt custom shop in '01.
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New member
If you can get a NIB Python Elite for $1200 it would be a GREAT deal. THey are going for $1500 to $2000 on most of the Gun Auction sites. I HAD a NIB perfect, never fired 6" Stainless version I paid $1000 for and sold it a few years ago before they became so popular. I REALLY wish I had hung on to it now.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam

Many thanks for the quick reply jetman~!:)

Our store just bought the above mentioned Colt Python Elite for $1200,
and immediately sold it to a loyal customer for $1795. Its not everyday
that a dealer can make this kind'a profit margin; as on most of the new
weapons 15% profit is considered very good; as usually it falls closer to
10%. So, I would say that we did well on this transaction; but I have
seen the same gun on some action sites myself, selling for over 2K~! :barf:;)



I looked in Blue Book regarding my own 4" Nickel, looked onlly test fired, no box, and I belive that was $1400. 6" may be more, likely there weren't as many but I don't know for sure.

The ones getting a fortune are the snubs, (think they're 2 1/2 ") . If you see one of those and its not already priced up, grab it.

The deal on mine was $450. I still pinch myself. Be aware the ncikel scratches pretty easy, and I almost wish I had just put mine in a safe. But screw it, they're too nice to shoot and I CCW it sometime becasue it shoots so well.

If I ever use it to get out of a lethal threat, I likely will be very happy it didn't sit in a safe. i do try to keep use low on it though.


New member
glad to help you turn a decent profit Ala Dan

.... I made a couple hundred when I sold mine but would have doubled my investment if I had just held on to it for a couple years... I have a NIB 6" blued gun as my "keeper" but had to buy a 4" nickel gun as a "shooter" to make sure I left the 6" gun alone.
