VA Lobby Day: Staunton, Harrisonburg caravan!


New member
Hello folks,

Every year, the Virginia Citizens Defense League has a lobby day at the General Assemble Building in Richmond, VA. This year, it is scheduled to January, 19. The purpose of Lobby day, is to meet our Senators, and Representatives in person and express our views on second amendment issues. IMO, this is the single most important thing you can do to protect your second amendment rights in Virginia this year! You can find out more information about the day here:

The purpose of this thread, is to organize carpooling/convoying from Staunton for the event. The plan, is to meet up at the Wal-Mart in Staunton, park any extra vehicles for the day, and be on the road to Richmond at 7:00 a.m. on January, 19, 2009. If anyone from the Staunton area would like to meet up, and hopefully ride share with other VCDL members, please let us know you are coming, either in this thread, or by contacting me.

Please show up a little before 7:00 a.m. so we can decide who's riding where, and leave on time. It will be helpful if you are ready to roll, so have both you and your vehicle fueled up!

I'm suggesting we meet in the lower part of the Wal-Mart parking lot FARTHEST from Lowe's, that seems to be where folks usually leave motor homes, trucks etc. I THINK that would be the Northwest corner. Just remember the corner farthest from Lowe's, and farthest from the Wal-Mart storefront!

Mike Piper
VCDL Coordinator