Uzi inventor died

Chuck Dye

New member
Uh, oh. It's the memory thing, again.

With luck, someone who knows will come along any moment...

The memory insists that the UZI began life at Skoda (name and model forgotten) where Uzi Gal was employed, and that there were quite a few built with Skoda and Czech military markings. The story was that the gun, and other designs, went to Israel with Gal when he emmigrated. Did this happen as early as 1936? Did it take that long for Gollywood to discover the gadget?

Chuck Dye

New member
Sorry, Blackhawk, it is the influence of a sabra friend. Israel never went away, it was merely mislabeled for a few centuries.

El Rojo

New member
I read his obituary in the LA Times today. It stated that part of the appeal fo the UZI was the 100 round magazine that was flush with the handguard. :confused: I didn't know they made 100 round mags with the UZI. Might someone have confused the uzi with a Callico?

Ed Dixon

New member
I remember seeing about 10 years ago on "Frontline" or something that there was only one importer of Uzis into the States and the warehouse they all went through was just a couple blocks from where I grew up (in the same residential neighborhood). It was called something like AAI and for all I knew they could've been making paper plates inside. Then to find out the man dies in Philly. Not really ironic. Okay, interesting only to me.


New member

It has 13,000 rounds through it without a SINGLE malfunction or any parts wear. Shoots into one hole at 50 yards, too.