uumm.. wow. Those wild and crazy Europeans.


New member
So I was listening to BBC for a change, and was reminded again of just.. how... DIFFERENT our cultures are. Among other topics tonight:

* Should we ban (rich folk) hunting (fox), or just tightly regulate it?

* The merits of Empire to World Stability (no, really!! all about how the last fifty years are an abberation to the more "stable" empire period, where stable -- read -- nations with bigger armies -- bossed instable nations around, ensuing global stability)

* Why Britain Shouldn't Try to Keep a Semblance of National Sovereignty in the EU

Um... yow.

So to those TFL'ers we got over the pond.. pardon me for asking (being an American who's never left US soil) -- but is that the DOMINANT mindset out there, or is it kinda like here, where we have a pretty even mix of your nanny-statist types and freedom-loving types, but only the former are really represented in the media?

Isolated in Idaho --



New member
Jeez, Kaylee...go to bed!! LOL

I've known a number of British folk...and they tend to match that general mindset. Their armed forces are a *BIT* more 'hawkish', but not much. Just look at any of the number of threads we've had showing comments from British subjects, and your question is answered.

Saw your post over on 1911forum...how ya liking that new shooter? You know, now that you have 'the fever', there's no going back..... ;)