Utahns and Kahr PM9


New member
Just a heads-up for those interested in this gun.
I just picked up my new Kahr PM9 with Meprolight night sights at Sportsman's Warehouse (off 70th South in SLC).

This is the first place and time I've seen this gun in Utah.

They have three left with standard sights @ $489 each and two more with night sights at $579 each.

Eric Larsen

New member
If you happen to feel the need to shoot the little monster anytime soon...let me know. Id love to arrange an indoor shoot somewhere with you....your in Happy Valley..well, hell I know where that is...Im a PG'n originally. How far are you from the Shooting Range.....? Thought Id throw the idea out.
Shoot well


New member
I asked about the PM9 at the Sportsman's Warehouse in Provo and in Ogden about a month ago and they had never heard about them then in either place. Good to know some are coming in.
Sawbones, Give us a report on how it shoots!


New member
Hope your PM9 looks better than mine

I have one with serial numer way under 100, the fit of the frame to the slide is terrible. It starts at the take down lever, and from there to the front (muzzle end) it continues to diverge from parallell till it looks like you could put a deck of cards in there. I called Kahr, and he said all of them were like that, said the frame pressings were the problem but they have no intention of fixing the problem and when an if they do, will do nothing for those of us who have the early guns. The gun functions fine, but in the fit and finish department, it leaves a lot to be desired. One other thing you can rock the slide back and forth end to end as it pivots ont he slide stop/take down lever, the rail system is pretty poor.


New member

nthe10ring.... I have read your earlier posts on this same issue of frame/slide fit.

Can you take a picture for us to see?

Have you owned or handled any polimer guns in the past?

My glocks, Kel-tecs and the kahr P-40 I handled for a short time all have a small gap between the front of the slide and the "dust cover" at the top of the frame, This is the nature of fitting a polimer frame and a stainless slide together, its part of the design.

Unless you have something very unusual I would like to see it. :confused:


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New member
Hi Eric;
"Happy Valley" is just SLC.

Dunno when I'll be out to TSR in Lindon anytime soon, though I generally go there nearly every single Sat AM when it's too cold to shoot outside. The 30 mile commute from SLC is worth it to me, since TSR is the nicest indoor range on the Wasatch Front, at least from Ogden down to Springville.

Otherwise, I'm usually at the PMAA range up Parley's Canyon (East Canyon exit) on Sat AMs. Not EVERY Sat, and not either this coming Sat or the one following, as it happens, but most every other if it's not too cold (and sometimes even if it is, if I need to sight in a rifle).

Assuming I get some time Wed, I'll probably have to go to Doug's Hole in the Wall (aka Doug's Shootin' Sports) in Taylorsville to try out the PM9, since the PMAA range is closed to the public on Wed.

Eric Larsen

New member
Im in B**nt*f*l, I was at Dougs (as much as I hate it) last Friday..I actually found a target system that was available and WORKED :D :eek: :rolleyes: I dont like giving them Business but in a pinch its great for checking your sights or new rounds.
Let me know what time Wed...I can hook up with you anytime.
I want to try TAG/Customs tactical range....sounds fun. Im gonna venture out there next week also given scheduling and all.
Email me if you want or PM...I check them often....
Shoot well
I also love Arms Plus.....great range and great people...


New member
have 3 polymer pistols

Yes pocketman, I have at present 3 polymer pistols, a sig pro, a glock 27 and a Keltec P-32 and none of them are like this, in all of these guns there is some seperation between the slide and frame, but this is standard on all these guns. You miss my point in my posts on the PM9, the frame and slide are not parallell all along this gap. from the slide take down lever back the gun fits perfect, very tight. From the lever forward the gap gets wider and wider till at the very front of the gun it is very wide, any time you have a divergance from parallell at this point is very unsightly. I will admit that the gun functions perfectly, but this one thing bothers me ever time I pick the gun up. I called Kahr and the tech agreed that it was too much, and the problem was in the pressing of the grip. They have these frames made by a third party, and evidently they have had some problems in the past. Ill try to get some pics soon and post. I have looked at P9 and Coverts and none of them are like this, they have a uniform gap along the length of the frame and slide.

Eric Larsen

New member
Custom arms/now Totally Awesome guns...indoor range. "Tactical" may not be the correct term, its one of the movie driven shooting exercises...you shoot the BGs on the screen...sounds fun. Like a video game with real bullets :D
Shoot well


New member
Sounds like the one down in Springville. Haven't shot that one for a long time and the screen was real shot up then and somewhat hard to seee clearly in that condition. JR


New member
Sawbones, thank you for the heads up. I went to Sportsmans Warehouse today on my lunch fully prepared to buy one. The prices have been bumped up ($20 on the night sighted pistol). I tried the pistol in my front pocket and it was ok there. After actually handling the things I just couldn't bring myself to pay $600 for the night sighted pistol I went in planning on buying. Please let us know how your pistol works out. I'm frequently a little extravagant in my gun purchases, but I just couldn't do it this time. The PM9 just seems at least $100-$150 over priced. Watch-Six