(UT) AG Shurtleff baffled at Judge's ignoring of law.


New member
That's a good bit. The circuit judges need someone to slap them upside the head.

- Gabe


New member
I never could understand how a court can take 26 pages to say yay or nay. The damn lawyers are so full of bull**** that it takes them 30 minutes to order a cup of coffee.

Brett Bellmore

New member
I don't know why he'd be "baffled" at the idea of judges deciding to break the law; Is he "baffled" when somebody runs a red light, or robs a bank? This isn't all that different, and after he's sat down with them informally, maybe he can have them formally arrested, and hauled off in handcuffs. The way he would with any other criminal.


New member
Shurtleff is a RINO idiot. Don't expect anything good from him. If you get anything good, be surprised and greatful, but don't let it make you forget that he is part of Leavett's RINO machine currently running things there in Salt Lake, and his finger will always be in the wind.


New member
If the law is proper.......enforce it.

If not, then it must be unconstitutional (stare or fed) and should be officially so declared and tossed.

Not complicated.

Guess it doesn't work that way, darn.


New member
Shurtleff is a RINO idiot. Don't expect anything good from him. If you get anything good, be surprised and greatful, but don't let it make you forget that he is part of Leavett's RINO machine currently running things there in Salt Lake, and his finger will always be in the wind.

Shurtleff a RINO? What?

Shurtleff was the one who sayed that NO state agency, university, college, or anyone, except for the state legislature, could set gun policy. He's fighting in federal court against the University of Utah, who's trying to say that the right to ban firearms is a 1st amendment right (huh?).

Did you even READ what he said?

I wish we had him in every AG office in this country. Shurtleff does NOT screw around.


New member
RINO with his finger in the wind. Gun owners are a force to be reckoned with in Utah. (YEAH! GO UTAH! :D )

Shurtleff has his eyes on the guberners orifice. Oh, and the office too. Check his positions when he was running for AG. Check the very dirty way a very GOOD true conservative was bushwhacked in the primaries.

He's part of Leavitt's machine. He is NOT our friend.

He's playing the game to get the votes. "Run to the right to get the nomination. Run the center to get elected." Tricky Dick said that. Leavitt & company live it. And how many times do we have to get suckered by the likes of him?