USS Ronald Reagan


New member
I just got through watching the christianing of the USS Ronald Reagan on C-Span. Nancy was still the consummate First Lady. God, I am grateful the GW was there and not Algore!!!!! A President Gore would have been a slap in the face to both the Navy, and President Reagan. BTW, today is the Reagan's 49th wedding aniversary. What a present!!!!!


New member
As I was watching the ceremony, I couldn't help wondering if there wasn't an old, rusting, leaky garbage barge somewhere that we could christen in honor of our most recent ex-CIC. ;)

Jamie Young

New member
I too am glad GW is there and not Gore. I was glad Reagan didn't die while Clinton was in office. I remember when Nixon died thinking of how much of a Disgrace Clinton was and I didn't want to see him there if Reagan died. Do you think there going to have a USS Clinton? Maybe they'll just name a Navy torpedo after him that, you know, kinda has a Curved Hockey Stick look!!!!

Hard Ball

New member
It will be two years before it is operational, but it is a great addition to our Navy and a tribute to a great president.


New member
The USS Slick Willy will be the urinal cookie in the Captain's head of the USS George W. Bush CVNX class carrier. Its time the Navy got some retribution.



New member
I think the USS Clinton will be one of the sand barges that they use when they dredge harbors and ports. The kind that suck up the sand - no wait, that's the USS Monica.


New member
The biggest thrill for me was watching the coverage on Fox News (instead of C-Span). Fox spent some time scanning the crowd of dignitaries and there among the usual gang of politicians and other vermin, were men like Randy "Duke" Cunningham (Vietnam's top carrier-based ace), Chuck Yeager, Joe Foss (WWII ace and former NRA president) and Chappie James (first black Marine aviator to qualify for carriers).

And, despite the absolutely terrible weather, no lack of a crowd to watch, too. I got the distinct impression that the stench of the Clinton years had blown away to be replaced by a new mission for the armed services.

Ken Strayhorn
Hillsborough NC


New member
I thought:

...the USS Monica Lewinski should be a submarine... (You know, it goes down.... ;) )

...the USS William Jefferson Clinton should be a dredge... (some bottom-sucking ship.) Another possibility for the Clinton would be a target barge used for live-fire exercises -- I'm sure we could find some of our Navy bretheren would love to blow that one up. Hmmmm... on second thought I think we'd need a whole class of ships named the Clinton class target barge. :D

Tom B

New member
The homeport of the USS Klinton will be New York City. The Klinton will be an unarmed non-oceangoing tug. And when it blows its horn it will sound like...GORE...GORE...GORE.


New member
Tom B: Very clever horn noise!!!

I liked Ronnie. Too bad he is not of his own mind. I agree about Nancy. Probably my favorite First Lady.

Al & Slick would indeed be a disgrace to the event.

Am I right in assuming you have to be well thought of to be living and have a fighting ship named after you?

A great tribute.
No navy ship should ever suffer the humiliation of being named after Slick Willy. Consider me old fashion, but carriers should be named after battles (Saratoga, Yorktown, Oriskany, Bunker Hill) like in the old days.

Bob Locke

New member
I spent 6 years on the "original" nuclear aircraft carrier, USS Enterprise (CVN-65). It's the only nuke carrier that isn't named after a person. The rest are all Nimitz class (CVN-68 and higher), and are named after significant military or political figures:

CVN-68 USS Chester Nimitz
CVN-69 USS Dwight D. Eisenhower
CVN-70 USS Carl Vinson
CVN-71 USS Theodore Roosevelt
CVN-72 USS Abraham Lincoln
CVN-73 USS George Washington
CVN-74 USS John C. Stennis
CVN-75 USS Harry S. Truman
CVN-76 USS Ronald Reagan