USPF .40 or USPF .45?


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USP .40F or USP .45F?

Any advice on choosing between .40 or .45 in USP fullsize? My brother has shot a few .40 full size USP's and said they jump noticeably more than the .45. What do you guys think?
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i had this same problem about two years ago. i ended up getting the USP40, because the grip was alittle slimmer, for my hands. and the USP40 is overall, slightly smaller. but just recently i traded my USP40 for a GLOCK 22. if the USP45 is not too big for you to hold then go for it, it seems to be the most popular USP out there. if your hands are big, dont forget the USP 45 tactical, or the Mark 23 :cool: !

i wouldnt really want to carry one for CCW. they are pretty big for that, great for uniformed police work , range fun, or home defense though.


New member
I own both, and I would offer these tid-bits of advice:
1. The USP .40 is definitely smaller in the grip area. If you have smaller hands, the .40 is the way to go.
2. Having said that, the HK full-size .45 is the single best .45 I have ever shot in my life. Supremely accurate, with LESS recoil than the .40. Just a great, great, handgun in every respect.
3. The .40 will cost about $100 less, if money is a factor, and ammo is a little cheaper. Magazines are a little less expensive for the .40 as well.
4. That's about it. The real big issue, aside from caliber, is the grip size. If your hands are okay with the .45, THEN GET IT. It is a joy to shoot/own/love/respect. ;)
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New member
I own a USP45F and have to echo the comments on it being the best .45 I've ever shot. I've never shot the USP40F, but have handled them at gun stores. I think they fit a little better in the hand for me, but I'm not too hot on plastic only mags vs the metal mags of the USP45F. And also, I love seeing that huge gaping maw at the end of the barrel of a .45 :)


New member
usp45f, i own the expert model, it is the best fitting and handling gun i have ever shot, i have shot the usp45f itis just awsome


New member
The USP .45 full size is my favorite handgun of all time.

I absolutely love it.

My hands are very small, so it takes a slight "reach" to get the crease of my finger on the trigger. The fit is right on the borderline, and maybe I should have taken the compact 45 version. Still, the large size works for me.

The full size version holds 12 + 1. That's a lot of .45 ammo.

If you have medium/large hands, I can think of nothing finer.

The Pilgrim

New member
I just bought a USP40 Fullsize (still looking for a magazine, though). I fired a rented gun and I loved it. I thought the recoil wasn't bad, though I've never tried the .45 for comparison. I want to use this gun for security work, so a .45 wasn't an option.

This is only my second gun after a S+W 686 .357, so my opinions on recoil might be biased.


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Thanks for all the advice! It seems to me that the .45 is gaining in popularity again. I hear about more and more police agencies going to the .45, even switching from the .40. Does anyone know if this is true? Not to re-hash a worn out argument but I think that the .40 and .45 are close enough in performance that if an agency had one, they wouldn't need to switch to the other.


New member
My only .40 was a Sig p229, which I liked quite a bit, but of course traded it like everything else that I shouldn't. I now have a full size USP 45, and was amazed at the accuracy and what I think is mild recoil from it. I have not had the HK in a .40, but I personally would lean toward the .45. My hands are medium size, and it fits me fine. I like it alot. jben P.s. My USP is one of the stainless ones, which you don't find around too often. I feel lucky to have found this one.


New member
Finally got to handle and compare a .40 and a .45 today at my local gun store. I'm sorry to say the .45 was just too big. The .40 fit just right and felt good. It should be more comfortable to carry also. I had a Sig 229 .40 before. It was a great gun but was never comfortable and I had a hard time shooting it really accurately. I hope the longer sight radius of the USP plus the supposed lighter recoil out of a USP will make it easier to shoot.