USP Dilema


New member
So I like the USP. I've fired a few of various calibers and sizes. To me, the size to firepower ratio is important. Ideally, I would like a compact .40 (12 round clip), but they never made non-LEO hi caps for it. The compact 9mm is tempting (there are a few legal 13 round clips out there, though they're expensive). I've also considered the full size .45 (which handles 12 round clips).

I don't think the extra 2 rounds of the full size 9mm or .40 make getting a full sized gun worth it. But 12 rounds of .45 in the full size vs 8 rounds of .45 in the compact makes for a more substantial 4 round difference.

See what I'm getting at? I'd love to put together a full size .40 frame and a compact slide, but that'd be too much $$$.

Finally, I have plenty of guns for various purposes. I have no need for a USP... but who really "needs" another gun?


New member
sounds like you are more inclined to buy a compact hi-cap than anything else. You might consider a Glock compact. They all have 10 round mags, and shoot softly.I went thru a phase like that a while back, where size and capacity were the thing I wanted most.After getting several guns (10), I finally realized that the one I wanted to carry, was the one I felt most comfortable with, that I shot most accurately.I wound up with 2 favorites. A HK P7M8 (8 round+1)super accurate, and a Glock 19 (15 round +1) for bad weather days.I can pretty much hit what I may need to with either gun ,and that's very reasuring. The others are now for fun at the range,and it seems the bigger they are the better.Good luck, whatever you decide.You can never have too many... :D


New member
That's intersting. I had understood that the USP Compact .40 would only hold 10 rounds period. I didn't realize there were 12-round magazines available for law enforcement. That takes away some of the appeal for me. I like the pistols, but having capacity limited by law (rather than by the physical size and design of the gun) really bugs me (I know its probably irrational, but it does).



New member
The full size USP .45 is a large pistol. If you prefer compacts, you may not care for it- plus I'm not sure, but I believe you'll have difficulty finding 12 round magazines for it. If you do find them, they'll more than likely be rediculously over priced.

I'd get the compact USP .45- nobody was ever "limited" by an eight round magazine capacity.


New member
DoubB: Amen, brother. Yes, if you look at the USP Compact .40 10 round mags, you'll notice a plastic portion at the bottom where you'd normally find space for 2 more rounds. I've confirmed that LEO 12 rounders exist. For me, the .40 compact would otherwise be perfect, but I hate the limitation on the mags.

Wishbone: Don't care much for the Glock compacts. I have a G23, and the G26/27 isn't much smaller. But the HK P7M8 or P7M13 is on my list of things to buy.

Erik: Yes, the 12 round .45 mags are expensive. If I went with the the full size .45, I'd make sure I bought the mags first. It wouldn't be the first time I bought hi-caps for a gun I didn't own yet!

The specialist

New member
If you ever really needed those extra two rounds, then you would probably need an extra clip anyway. So my question is whats the difference ?


New member
The difference is that the USPc .40 S&W mags were designed to have 12 rounds. You'd never know when or if those extra, or normal, 2 rounds make a difference and then it's too late. It just PO's me to be limited by some arbitrary number.

Realistically, those 2 rounds aren't going to prevent me from buying a USPc. I also don't think that those extra 2 rounds are worth the penalty for possessing LEO mags.


New member
The USP45 Tactical comes with the o-ring and target sights, both great at the range. Would it work if the USP45 Compact had an o-ring, if a groove was put in for one?