Usp 45


New member
I've been thinkin'. Maybe I should just get a USP45 and have that be my only handgun for awhile. I mean, I like the gun, and few ever complain of poor reliability from HK.

I have questions, though.

They never have the variant with ambi or left-handed controls in the store. Can I order this, how long might it take to arrive, and does it cost extra? Can I install an ambi or reversed safety switch on the USP45?

I like the USP Tactical (It looks cooler). It has adjustable sights. Are these sturdily built? They'd have to be, otherwise they'd be a liability on a service sidearm, wouldn't they? How much more does the Tactical cost, typically? Does the tactical have the same options for reversing the safety or installing an ambi one?

Does anybody have the address, phone number, and preferably the web page of an HK distributor my dealer could order from?

The nice thing about HKs, though, is that they're solid. Triton Ammo says their .450SMC cartridge can be fired from a USP45 without modification; the HKs are over-engineered for strength.

I like that. :cool:


New member

I'll try to answer some of your questions. . .

If you get just the plain-jane USP 45 I don't believe it comes with an ambi control lever. You can install one, but I'd advise you to look at one before you spend money on it. They kind of bother me (get in the way).

Your shop should be able to order in the variant you want (I'd think they would order from a distributor, not directly from H&K or you may be waiting a whiiiiiiile). If not, just buy a variant 1 or whatever variant you run across and have H&K or an H&K armorer do the conversion.

I spoke with an H&K rep a while ago and he told me that H&K would do the conversion for $25. I've heard a lot of different prices though, so YMMV.



New member
You might think an ambi control lever gets in the way. Being left-handed, I think it's necessary, otherwise that locked-n-cocked function that's so cool is useless to me. I wonder if I could just get a lefty only safety? Hmm...nah. I prefer ambi. I like a pistol I can use with either hand.

H&K armorers? Anybody know of any? I can tell you that there aren't any around here.

I'm pretty sure my dealer has a distributor for HK. I'll stop by and check today. I'll let y'all know what the prices are, too. :)


New member
Looking for a local armorer? Find a local PD that uses the USP and find out who their armorer is.
The Tactical is a fine handgun. Don't worry about durability is not a problem. The ambi kit that you would put on the USP 45 is the same kit you'd put on the Tac, so that shouldn't be a problem.
I'm not so clear on the cost. My state finds them too dangerous for its civilians to own. As far as I know, they are in the $800-$900 range.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Not a bad mood. The USP is an outstanding pistol.
I think StratfordHoldings is still selling his left handed HK USP .45. Its a Match variant? I don't remember.
Send him an email.
I don't thing its been fired.


New member
Okay, I have a USP45fs and the USP45tactical.

I'm a lefty.

I had my local HK authorized armorer install the ambidextrous levers on both guns...they are both still traditional DA with cocked and locked capability as well as decocking. Cost ~$50 to do each gun. Took my 'smith~5-6 weeks to get the part. Took him about 3 minutes on each gun to install.

IMHO, as a lefty you NEED either the ambi safety or switch to one of the lefty-only variants. It makes the USP so much more comfortable.

I tend to favor the standard USP45 over the tac. I think it's just 'broken-in' better. it is also my "go-to" gun whenever something bad eventually happens. I purchased both pistols used....the USP was purchased in 1998 for 500 bucks with two mags from a friend. I think I paid 825 for the tac about a year after it was introduced...also used, but very lightly. The big differences with the tac are the match trigger, the threaded bbl and the o-ring system. However, with this in mind I get similar group sizes with both pistols. And with 185grSWCmatch handloads, I get 1-hole groups at 7 yards slow-fire, and2-3" groups 25 yards slow fire with the USP. and I'm not a good shooter.

Good can't go wrong with either!


New member
The adjustable sights on the Tac are sturdy but I don't particularly like them, since they are all black and hard to see in some circumstances. I'm going to change them out to night sights one of these days.
I do like the match trigger. It is noticably better than the standard trigger.
It has been flawless so far. Not one FTF or FTE, ever, in 1000 rounds. And I've shot all types of ammo through it.


New member
No variant 2 for Nightcrawler.

I had my dealer call his distributor to get a price quote on the USP45, Variant 2. His dealer told him that they were currently out of USP45s, they haven't had any Variant 2s for a long time, and probably wouldn't get anymore for almost a year. *sigh* THere goes that problem.

I don't have a *local* HK Armorer. Hell, finding a gunsmith around here is tough enough, and ranges? Ha! There's a small pistol range at the university, I think, but that's it. I'd have to send the pistol off somewhere to have the ambi control installed.

How would I go about ordering the part from HK or wherever one would get it from?


New member

Maybe the best thing to do is ask the people at

They could steer you to someone who can get you the part and find someone to install it.

Good luck. . .


Biker Preacher

New member
I have a USP .45 and a friend of mine has a USP .45 and a tactical. In his opinion the tactical is not worth the extra money. He says the trigger is nicer, but the o-ring does not appear to do much. In fact he says the USP shoots more accurate than the tactical.


New member
When I called H&K, they said they do the conversion for free except for the cost of shipping. I have heard of turn-around times from 3 weeks to 3 months.

The Tactical is a good gun with possibly the nicest trigger on the USP series, but it borders of ridiculously large for my tastes. It costs around $950 around here.

They really are solid. After shooting other guns for a while, I've realized how solid and tight these guns are. Even more amazing is that they are extremely reliable with fairly tight tolerances. Gun Tests Magazine recently tested the USP 9mm against the XD and a polymer Ruger and the USP soundly trounced the other guns in the accuracy department with every ammo.


New member
I went to a dealer & had them ship my USP 40 to HK to change it to a decock only safety lever. It cost $25.00 & took about 4 wks. The dealer told me stores never stock any variants because most customers want the option of cocked & locked or DA first shot.


New member

I think what you say is true. I've rarely seen variants other than variant 1 in local shops.

The few I have seen have been on the clearance rack because they weren't variant 1 (my assumption).

Not too long ago, I passed on a NIB full sized 9mm stainless USP that was on sale for $479. . . :( I had just finished paying for a Compact .45 in stainless, or it would have been mine.



New member
Buy the standard USP, then buy the detent plate and lever(s) for whatever version you want. It's probably cheaper than Next Day Air to HK, likely quicker turnaround and you can install it yourself if you have opposable thumbs.

Try HKPRO.COM or for the parts.

I love my USP45. Shoots everything up to and including .45 Super and .450 SMC with no modifications.


New member
The USP .45 is truly awesome.

I double the recommendation to call Cals. In fact, I think they will change the lever and detent for a fee so you might want to buy from them.

I would buy from a place that can do this. If not, get the gunplumber video from (HK vol. II) and get the parts from someone that has them in stock and do the work yourself. you'll save money, time and learn about your pistol.

The only thing about the USP disassembly video is that the catch or latch he refers to has one more piece in the .45 than the pistol he is disassembling (the .40?).

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
I just dropped Stratfordholdings a line...
Maybe he still has it for sale. It has the stainless finished slide I believe.


New member
HK USP45- the only gun I ever had blow up in my hand. I was using factory ammo, and for some reason a 45 case had a problem and blew up the gun.
Grip split in half, mag exploded, pieces of plastic all over the place (including all over my hat) and some kind of crummy dust was everywhere on my shooting glasses.
Last round of the match I was shooting too. Talk about finishing with a bang.

HK customer service- a JOKE!
I waited about 6 months before that gun came back to me. Aside from never actually being able to speak to anyone after the initial person i talked to about sending it to them, I would call about once a month asking for a status report, NO ONE ever got back to me.
When i finally started calling and leaving messages once a week, it eventually showed up on my door. UNANNOUNCED & Unexpected! I came home, opened up my screen door, and what dropped down on my feet? A white box from H&K. No signature required, left behind in between a couple of doors.

The trick to getting in touch with someone there is typing in random numbers until you get a valid extension, and get them to transfer you to someone's voicemail.

Differences in Price- I think the usp45 is about 600, and their fancy "tactical" is about a grand.

I still shoot the USP sometimes, hasn't blown up since.

But I have decided USP stands for Useless Stupid Pistol- at least for mine.

Awesome mag release, wish i could put that on my 1911s


New member
mattjoe ,

What brand and type of ammo were you using? What date code was the gun? What do you mean by "for some reason a 45 case had a problem and blew up the gun"? What was wrong with the case?

Forgive all the questions, but I've spent a lot of time on the net and at the range talking to other H&K owners and I've never heard of a USP .45 kbing! on factory ammo. Not saying it can't happen, but I'd be interested in knowing the details. Recently there was a thread on asking about kb! experiences with the USP series and there were one, maybe two second hand occurences (these are people who own and shoot a LOT of USPs).

As far as H&K's customer service, I've dealt with them several times and had nothing but prompt, curteous service. Usually far faster than most. Had a friend who shipped them a gun he purchased second hand and had it repaired free and returned to him in a short amount of time. . . no questions asked. In short, I haven't seen the "terrible" service a lot of people claim to have gotten.
But I have decided USP stands for Useless Stupid Pistol

Don't see how that applies to the H&K, but hey, everybody has opinions. . . When you say a case had a problem it implies that the ammo was at fault, yet you blame the firearm?? Sounds misguided to me. . .



New member
Shake- a stonger framed pistol wouldnt have come apart like this one did. That's why I called it useless stupid pistol. I've seen Glock 40's blow up, and the grip all stayed together, cracked some interior things, blew out the mag and mag release, but my HK split in a number of pieces. I feel a steel framed gun would have only had the mag destroyed, and I'd have been left with a useable pistol had something like this happened if I needed it in a life or death situation. I shoot tons of ipsc matches, and have seen steel framed guns blow out their mags on a case failure, but everytime the user was able to get a new mag in their gun (on a different stage) and keep right on going with no other problems. I just feel the weakness of the HK frame is very dissapointing.

I don't mind so many questions at all. I'll start answering them now:

To the best of my recollection I was using Federal Ammo, What I am sure of is it was a Nickle plated case, and I think they were JHP's, if federal, i think it was hydrashocks. I don't think they were winchesters, but know I bought winchesters also back then.

When i say the case had a problem, I mean on the bottom around the rim, near where the extractor would contact, is where it blew out, it blew out down, decent sized hole was sitting there in the case.

I don't know how to find the date code of the gun. If it is somehow hidden in the serial number, and you tell me how to decipher it, I can tell you what it is, as the slide has the original #s, the new frame of course does not. I do know I probably bought the gun around 97.

HK's customer service bugged me because they claimed this wasn't their problem. Fact of the matter is, they give a lifetime Warranty to the original owner, Me. My view is a gun that fails due to problems with ammo is both the ammo manufacturer and the gun manufacturers problem, not the problem of the owner. They asked for the case, they asked for the box of ammo the round came from. I sent them everything. They wanted to bill me nearly 200 to fix the gun. Come on! It is injection molded polymer! No way does it cost that much. It was my view it was for them to repair, and if they wished to seek compensation, they should go after the ammo company. That's just how it works in warranty, it's contribution. I've never visited, but rest assured, there has been a 45 kboom, and it wasn't a fun time. I was very happy I had all the parts I was born with.

This all happened about 2 or 3 years ago, and if I remember correctly, someone told me HK was changing hands at the time. I don't know if this is true or not, but if so, it could certainly explain the problems in customer service I experienced.

But hey, If i were to decide to shoot USPSA's Production class, or maybe even IDPA, i'd still use the gun. Every now and then I shoot bowling pins with it. It's fine now.
I don't hate it, I just like what I call it: Useless Stupid Pistol is kind of endearing to me.


New member
hahah that's some funny stuff mj

I actually think posts like yours are great because it reminds us all that any pistol can fail and you should always have a plan B. Yes, even my beloved USP .45. Who knows what would have happened in another pistol?

I'd be on Federal's ass.

Can a standard 1911 or Glock shoot 450 SMC without a problem? Hell, I don't know... in fact, I don't even know if that's an appropriate statement as this is a different phenomenon.

And that is still a bummer about what happened, glad you can still epyt with both hands. What really sucks is if you got the run around from customer service. It's not a "mistake" like the bum cartridge.