Using Eezox on certian finishes?


New member
just got my quart of eezox in the mail! so excited! but wait! i bought this for my blued guns but intended on using it for everything. my questions is has anyone had any issues with eezox on some of the different finishes? my ceramic duty coat? the ceramic on my tacsol barrel. the paint on my 10/22 reciever. poly coat on a cz 85? i spoke with paul and he said it shouldn't cause any issues as far as he knows. don't know if anyone can speak from experience here on the firing line.

Doug S

New member
I love Eezox as a rust preventive. I've use it on every gun I own, and I've never had any problems with it, regardless of finish.
I've been using Eezox for years, with every type of finish out there. I've never had an issue of any sort.

It's a phenomenal rust preventive, a pretty good solvent, and an OK lube.


New member
Anyone apply Eezox to a bore using a boresnake? That's what I've been using to clean my guns normally over the years. Wow this stuff is strange... I tried it out on my shotgun and let it cure over night... Everything in my brain is screaming to coat it in oil because it doesn't look like it has anything on it. Thats gonna take some getting used to.


New member
I dont even let it "cure". I just wipe it on, let it sit while I clean the rest of the gun and wipe the excess off when Im done.

You really dont need much, a tiny bit goes a long way.

Cant help you on the bore snake. I just use the old rod, brush and patches.


New member
I use EEZOX for the out side of gun and FP10 for lubrication. I Like them both alot but in all honesty if you take care of your guns any gun lube and rust prevention will work and if you do not take care of your guns no product will protect them.


New member
Well I finished bout half of my pistols with it! AK103 I let them cure :eek: about two or three a night for the last few days over night and wipe em down and put them away... It is really really hard to put them away what seems like 'bone dry' its just strange... really gonna take some getting used to.


New member
I think youre going to find if you just keep using Eezox and wiping things down with it, you dont have to leave it "cure". I use it during and after I clean things, and leave a very light coat on when I put it away. Its not technically "dry", but its not oily either. I just spray my wipe down rag with it every now and then.

So far, anything Ive used it on (guns and tools) has shown no signs of rust, even after extended periods in a damp basement.


New member
yeah i wont leave em out after the first time. it was just recommened to do it during the inital cleaning so i figured why not?


New member
Living in humid Florida I use Eezox on all my guns and never had a problem with rust. Very good product :)