Using 9MM Star BM mags in a Sig P6


New member
I had a Sig P6 German police trade in traded to me with two 8 round magazines.

I also have a Star BM and 6 seven round magazines with it.

I noticed the mags looked very similar in size and proportion except for a groove that allows the mag to drop when the release is pressed.

I loaded up 3 of the BM mags and 2 of the mags shot all rounds flawlessly.
One mag had some stove pipes.

So, I will use the 2 BM mags as range only magazines and keep the two Sig mags for defensive use.

Because the Sig mags are not easy to find at a cheap price it was nice to be able to use the Star BM mags.

However, the Star BM mags are not exactly plentiful but wonder what else might work.

Just thought I would mention it



New member
I have been experimenting with Walther P1 mags, which are plentiful and fairly cheap, as well as being very well made. While I havn't tried shooting them, they did hand-cycle properly, and the slide release activated when empty.
I believe that one could cut the mag release slot and they would work.


New member
I have 3 Sig P 6's and my one ProMag that I have did not work at first. All of my Sig magazines did. I compared the back of the Pro to the original, and you can see a difference. I did a little filing ( I know - should not have to do this to a new mag) but it worked. I have not had a jam with the ProMag since.
This is my experience, so if you can't get an original don't count out Pro Mag.


New member
The P6 mags has a groove on the left side above where the release button would be.
Apparently once released this allows the mag to gravity drop.
With the Star BM mag not having that groove one must hold the mag release button until it is half way out.
Small inconvenience considering I have the mags and they work fine but as I said they will be range plinkers with the Sig mags for defense.

I figured someone would make a mag for the P6 with the big number of German police trade ins made available.

Now, if Mec-Gar makes one that would be worth a little more to me.



New member
However, the Star BM mags are not exactly plentiful but wonder what else might work.
Just thought I would mention it
This is the sort of thing that many mfgr's try to hush-up....After all, scarcity and exclusivity is what keeps the prices up...There are a number of parts in various models that are interchangeable but certainly will not be advertised.:)