using 12g slugs in a choked shotgun


New member
Hi all & merry Christmas.
I have purchased some Rio Royal MG slug cartridges for a hunting trip & looking for advice on whether I can use them in my miroku model 70 sporter.
The shotgun is choked so Im not sure if I should use them, manafacturers advice is not to use the shotgun without the chokes so will there rounds damage it???


New member
Happy Holidays to you, too.

Yes, slugs can be safely shot in choked guns, and frequently are -- the majority of today's shotguns are choked one way or another.

There are basically two choke types these days: Originally shotguns had fixed chokes -- a constriction at the last few inches of the barrel. These worked fine for single purpose guns, like shooting skeet. But, most folks wanted a gun that could be used effectively at various distances, and this favored different constrictions. Over the years, several methods have been employed to provide adjustable or changeable chokes. The screw-in systems, with their interchangeable choke tubes, have prevailed over the others. They have been so successful that some of the newer shooters have never seen a shotgun without screw-ins.

What your gun's manufacturer is telling you is: Don't shoot your gun without a screw-in choke tube installed. If you do, the fine threads just inside the muzzle may be damaged. Does this make sense to you?


New member
I saw rifled chokes somewhere, but I cant remember who made them or where they were. :(

I've thought about trying one though.


Staff In Memoriam
rifled chokes are designed to allow a sabot slug to be used in a smooth barrel gun... I doubt they give much advantage... The sabot slug is going to travel 20 or more inches without spin and reach full velocity and a 2-3 inch tube is supposed to be enuff to impart the spin of a 20+ inches long barrel...

A "rifled" slug is designed for smooth bore barrel. The choke can be as much as FULL and be fully safe. Many makers advise mod or imp is best results...

The one thing to be sure of is that your gun is not "overbored"... If so it should be marked on the barrel that slug use is OFF LIMITS in one fashion or other.


New member
I dont hunt with mine, just play around with slugs I cast, but they're fairly accurate with a skeet choke.

I just figure a rifled choke might help a little.

Mainly just curiosity. :)


Staff In Memoriam
Reloader, Feel free to give it a good ol' country boy whirl but you may find the grooves get lead filled right away. The typical slug is nose heavy and flies true only due to this. A badminton shuttle cock reverses direction on impact and still flies quite true each time struck.

What i am curious about is if the grooved slug would whistle like a blistering tea kettle if it got a good spin going... Sort of a "Screaming Meemie" for redneck follies!:D:eek::eek::cool:


New member
Reloader, I'm assuming your home-cast slugs are full sized, not rifle bullets you put in sabots. It's my understanding that the riffled choke tubes, like rifled barrels, are designed for sabots. That doesn't meant that you couldn't do a little experimenting. I'm guessing, you'll want to use pure soft lead in any slugs for a rifled choke.

You've listed your location as NW WY. Are you close enough to Cody to take advantage of the fine shooting complex north of that town?


New member

Sorry to keep butting in


Cody's only about 35 miles south.

We go into the Cody shooting complex a couple times a summer to practice for the "Young Life" sporting clays money raiser shoot. Thats the only time we go to the complex. Out the back door, we have our own shotgun/trap, pistol and 1000 rifle range, so I dont have go there. Thats why I can and like to play with different toys and loads. Privacy.

Yes the slugs are full sized 12 gauge and in a wad. I've just used WW lead so far, but I dont have a rifled choke or barrel either.

I'm not sure about trying a slug with a full choke. I know that its a little different than steel shot, but I tried a full choke with steel to pattern it and after one shot I had to get a new choke.:eek:

Stretched it out bad enough it took me a 1/2 hour to get it out of the gun.:mad:

I found out the pattern was worse than a mod choke though.:D

I'm not sure what a slug would do in a full choke cause I have'nt replaced mine yet.


New member
My casting alloy is WW based, too, except I use pure lead for the percussion revolvers. I don't think I'd wanna try to run WW cast slugs through a rifled choke tube.

Cody's only about 35 miles south
Beautiful country up there. But, I've only been there in the summer and autumn. I imagine it gets a pinch on the cool side this time of year. ;)


New member
Oops… Years ago, when I was living in the W Fla panhandle, I don't remember the Redneck Follies. There was outdoors pro wrestling in Warrington, but no Follies. I hate to think I missed the "Screaming Meemies" during my time in the area -- perhaps the Follies are something new, you're a generation younger than me. :D
A Happy New Year to you and yours,


New member
You could.....

email Miroku and ask them? Or email the ammo manufacturer?

If it were me, I would just shoot a few off and see :D If your gun is a 12 ga and the ammo says its for a 12ga, it should be fine. I reckon if it were unsake in Miroku shotguns, there would be big red print all over the ammo box saying not to use it in Miroku's :D


New member
slug types

Any Brenneke slug will work as long as you use a cylinder choke.
I used RIO MG royal slugs & they were very accurate.