useing a Mustange mag for a sig P238

5R milspec

New member
OK I have read alot about this little pistol (P238 )matter of fact I now own one or shoud I say the wife qiestion to ya'll is about the mag ( mustange ) mag.I know it will work but to how well it will work.

my findings have come up with ( yes ) it will work.BUT it has at times caused problems with said it would feed like a charm as long as you allow the slide to feed every time.( all on its own )another said it just caused problems no matter what.the same gent said that he had to file a part of the mag to make it I ask would you that own a P238 buy a Mustange mag for your P238.I am asking because the Sig mags are as high as Cammel NUTS and the Mustange not so high.she really liked the idea of the mag extention.she thinks it will help out alot while shooting it.

so your pros/cons of the idea are needed.please say to weather you would buy the Mustange mag.even state to what you might had done to it to help or not when useing it......John


New member
I have both the Mustang Pocketlite and Sig P238. I have the extended mag for the Sig and as far as I've shot theses two pistols, the mags have been interchangeable with no issues whatsoever.


New member
I have 2 P238's and Mustang magazines and have had zero problems. They feed 3 different brands of factory ammo and reloads with Magtech hollow points, also RN cast.

5R milspec

New member
sounds great guys and thanks for your feed back.she really likes the little pistol as I said before.ounce I can get the tooling to load for it I will.but for now she will be shooting a factory round of some sort.

I will be getting a Mustange mag soon and we will let ya'll know to how it works/worked for her P238.again thanks.

any more out there who use's a Mustange mag for a P238?

5R milspec

New member
great and thanks to your replies.

been looking at Cheaper Than Dirt and found a few in basic steel and stainless steel.I think I will get the stainless one brand better than the other.want to make sure she gets I get the best one for her pistol.


New member
I don't know about the aftermarket mags as I only have interchanged the factory Sig and Colt mags on these.

5R milspec

New member
ok thanks I want order from them.the only other place I have looked is at any ideas of another place would be great.I hate to pay to much shipping.they could just use a $5 box from the USPS and make shipping much cheaper for the most part for two mags.


New member
they could just use a $5 box from the USPS and make shipping much cheaper for the most part for two mags.

They probably do, they just charge us $15.00 and keep $10...:mad: