Used Smith Prices!?!


New member
It seems to me that only 3-4 years ago, used Smiths like my Model 28 could be had for $250 - easily. And they were in all the shops. NOW, I look on-line and they sell for $350-$450. What happened?


New member
Smith and Wesson did us all a favor and made our guns safer for us. That raised our old guns worth by 20-50 percent. ;)


New member

I bought a Mod 28, and they changed the whole works and jacked up the prices...

I bought a CZ 75, and they got a 'firing pin block', and spoiled the trigger (B)...

I got a Ruger Mk II Target - what have they done to it???


New member
There is good news...

Colt is now making the 'Series 70' models again. Colt management finally got the message that stupid firing pin block is not required or wanted.

Ford is building a real Mustang again. Rear wheel drive and a V8. (I'm torn between an Oehler ballistics laboratory and a new Mustang!)

Now, maybe S&W will take the hint and start building decent revolvers again. Firing pins on the hammer, pinned barrels, recessed chambers and so on.


Heck, maybe even High Standard (whoever they are now) will go back to making the fine target 22 pistols they used to make.

Sir William

New member
Ruger didn't DO anything to the MKII. Ruger REPLACED it. The MKIII was a POJ and UNSAFE this summer. Ruger says they have fixed all of the problems now. I bought a M28-2 for $350.00 + S/H. I am still looking for a M27. The M27s were common. Now? Get a bankloan.


New member
USed S&W revolvers ARE climbing in prices. Partly because of the lock and new MIM parts being "less desireable". Partly becasue new S&W's are running allot more $ and partly becasue S&W stopped producing those nice old blue finishs and many favorite models. The 28 and 27 are exambles of a model that has gone up in value disproportionately. (Particularly shorter barrel lengths)
There are still lots of great deals on $250 S&W's in J and K frames but maybe not for many more years. Buy em up now ! :D


New member
I think the internet has had a lot to do with the price increase on older S&W revolvers.


We've let a lot more folks know what a "sleeper" value the model 28 really is.



New member
Three to four years ago, our local shop sold used model 28's for under $200. We also had Swedish Mausers and Argentine Mausers around $100. If I'd only known---!

Peter M. Eick

New member
Yeah I hear you about the prices. I bought a Registered Magnum a while back at a decent price. It is a really nice gun and I shoot it a fair bit. Because it is so nice I wanted another one. The Prices DOUBLED in just about 1 year. I was shocked!



New member
Also S&W's newer frame-mounted firing system makes for a heavier trigger out-of-the-box than the older hammer pin models.

I agree about the Internet too. Demand for what is, after all, limited supply used to be limited geographically. Now it's national.

Hammer It

New member
I dont agree with internet prices afecting the S&W revolvers out there. The lousey finish and bad production cost cuts have driven the price of older ones up. When a buyer does not want flakeing spray painted finishes or Mim parts or a stupid lock they will give more for a older revolver. look at the new prices.. did you think you would see the day a K-frame .22 would cost over 500.00 ?? That is why it is a bargain to buy and old model 17 for 300.00 even if it needs a reblue to make it look new again you end up with a revolver that has twice the quality and finish of the new stuff. Wait until they go to all shrouded barrels.. This will also send a price hike for all the old ones without it.Regards, Hammer It.

Brian 45

New member
It seems to be happening fast all over now.
A couple years ago I bought a M-28 for $250 and recently a Nickle M-27 for $300 but just put a 586 in lay-away for $350 at the same shop.
I expect them to increase even more this next year and will get what I want until they get outrageous. I've almost stopped going to the shows as S&W revolvers of all types have asking tags of $500 or so and they're insulted when you try and haggle. Then I hear the same dealers complain they aren't selling guns.
I try and support two local shops that are happy to make $50 to $100 on me and know I'll be back. The first shop I mentioned had a chance to buy a nice M-24 last week but couldn't get it at the right price. He knows I want one and could have tacked the cost on and sold it to me at a premium. I have to give him credit for keeping costs down and treating me and my money with respect.


New member
Ruger didn't DO anything to the MKII. Ruger REPLACED it. The MKIII was a POJ and UNSAFE this summer. Ruger says they have fixed all of the problems now.

It sure doesn't sound like there is a problem now.

"The third safety feature added to the Ruger pistol is a loaded chamber indicator. This is a thin metal bar, the rear of which protrudes slightly from the left side of the receiver when a cartridge is present in the chamber. This device can be easily seen, and can also be felt with the shooter's finger. The bar is activated by a spring-loaded piece of steel that touches the rim of the chambered cartridge. I was concerned that this could possibly fire the cartridge if the gun were to be dropped on a hard surface, landing on the loaded chamber indicator; admittedly a remote possibility, but a concern nonetheless. To test this feature, I loaded the chamber with a live cartridge, and could easily push in on the bar. It would push flush with the receiver. I then pointed the muzzle downrange, and tapped the bar with a heavy brass hammer. No matter how hard I smacked the loaded chamber indicator bar, it would not even leave the slightest mark on the cartridge rim, and cannot fire the pistol if dropped."

I could live without the small hole for the key under the safety but other than that the new MKIII looks nice. It is a .22 after all. I can live with more things there than I would be willing to put up with in a CCW gun. The easy ability to be scoped is nice. It looks nice. And the 22/45 looks better than it used to. I may have to get one of those.



New member
What happened? The economy among other things. Haven't everything else gone up in price over the last few years?


New member
Archie said:
Ford is building a real Mustang again. Rear wheel drive and a V8.

Ford Mustang's have always had rear wheel drive and a v8 option. 2005 is no different in this respect.

Forgive me if I don't follow your post but it seems to me that you imply that Ford at some point did not make v8 RWD mustangs?


New member
Blame it on S&W's current revolver offerings. Only collectors will recognize a gem, but everyone knows crap when they see it. :D

Prices on the original revolvers will continue to climb until they disappear from the market completely.


New member
What KurtC said.

"Prices on the original revolvers will continue to climb until they disappear from the market completely..." which I would add, "or until currentofferings begin to come closer to old-gun quality. :)
