USCCA sells it's members email addresses!


New member
US Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) sells it's members email addresses!
I got hit with 3 spams using an email address I used ONLY with them!


New member
Actually I got spam on yahoo accounts opened and never used...
There are so many spambots creating random mail addresses that they work like the infinite number of monkeys typing the whole Shakespeare's works.
Spammers don't need to buy email addresses to send their junk.
As kadima says, it's not as simple as assuming that an organization has sold your information.

Contact them and flat out ask them, do you sell e-mail addresses?


New member
I have my own domain ( and unlimited email addresses under my domain which allows me to use a unique email for every site that requires an email address. This way I know exactly where someone got my email address from. The other day I get 3 messages in a row, all different, none gun related, yet all sent to the account that is ONLY associated with USCCA so there is only one assumption I can make.

I guess it IS possible that it was random... That it all hit in a batch from multiple sources made me think otherwise. I am all for finding out for sure if the list was sold and will contact them to follow this up.

I sent the following to: ''

I am receiving SPAM from an email address that I have ONLY used with your organization: USCCA@<mydomain>.com and am wondering if you sell or otherwise give away emails used with your organization as this is the only way I can think of for spammers to get this address.

A rep of theirs posted on another forum that they do NOT give away/sell their list. Funny thing is, they have yet to respond to my Email to them!


Ok, time to take a step back here.

You have no proof that USCCA sells or intentionally releases member email addresses.

There are a number of ways that a spammer could have gotten that information without USCCA's consent. Their site could have been hacked, they could have somehow inadvertantly released some information without meaning to, etc.

Nickel Plated

New member
Yea you should have E-mailed and asked them about this first. Instead you posted a message on a pretty popular firearms board with essentially unfounded accusations of selling people's E-mail addresses.
You know what they say about assumption being the mother of all screw-ups.


New member
I have set up an email address a long time ago that I use for all organizations/businesses that I believe most likely sell or let other companies use to contact me. I keep the one for important people/business separate which means a little less spam.
I know that some of these companies or magazines make a little revenue off of these sales. So what. I know what is spam or not and it is easy to delete, usually takes about 10 seconds. Why spend time complaining to somebody that may or may not have done something. In your case they have not responded as of your last post I assume. Are they guilty?? Will you stopped being a member? How much time have you spend and gotten upset over it?
If you like the organization then you going to have to accept their business practice, if not leave but they already have your info.
Also nowadays good luck with your information not being shared with another company. Your CC company does it, bank, you name it. I expect it and use the check mark and delete button.
And I am not tying to be snoody, just my two cents and the way I handle it.
I would add that I work in the government and for some odd reason we get spam there also, and we use our emails only between agency's. I have never given it to anybody. Nothing like a spam alert from the IT Dep. " Improve your size" that your IT department is asking you if you would like to accept this email.:)