USA Service Day, Sign Up for your rights!


New member
President Elect Obama has called for a national day or weekend of service between January the 17th and the 19th. In Honor of this momentous occasion, I have decided to plan a service event called the National Shooting Range Weekend. You can see the details by visiting the USA Service site posted in the link.

President Elect Obama has made it very clear that we should all work together to make this country better for us all and share in what we have to the benefit of others. What better way than to invite someone new to firearms to your local range and teach them proper gun safety and technique, as well as share the joy found in the firearms sports. Heed the call of your soon to be Commander-in-Chief and sign up today!
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New member
As arms safety is an essential element to a society that lists the right to bear arms in their constitution, I feel it is only appropriate to promote, as a community service, proper firearm safety to all that are willing in order to prevent accidents or poor misconceptions involving firearms.


As arms safety is an essential element to a society that lists the right to bear arms in their constitution, I feel it is only appropriate to promote, as a community service, proper firearm safety to all that are willing in order to prevent accidents or poor misconceptions involving firearms.

I agree completely...but I suspect that what our new Commrade in Chief President really had in mind was for everyone to go out and put a fresh coat of paint on the ghetto of your choice so we could all feel better about ourselves..
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New member
I can only hope that's what he has in mind, as he will see through community action that his ideas are not the only ideas in this nation. I'm counting on it. :D

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
While there are certainly some here, that like President-elect Obama, I suspect that most do not. However, using terms like, "The Annointed One" and "Commrade in Chief" are not only partisan politics, they are also invectives.

This is part of what brought down the old L&P forum. Both are specifically mentioned as a "no-no" in the forum rules for L&CR: "This is what our opposition does. We must take the High Road, at all times. Therefore, If you cannot use the proper terms/labels for what you are discussing, then don't bother posting at all."


New member
It's going to be colder than a well diggers behind up here in Minnesota this weekend. Taking a newbie to the range may not work out so well.

To go off on a tangent, I read a few years back that a group of parents got together as a volunteer group to go into an inner city school and do some painting to improve the school. They got shut down because they were not affiliated with the union which had the contract to paint schools. I can't remember the city, unfortunately. I wonder how often those things happen. Sorry to veer off of guns for the topic, but to bring it full circle, there are no unions which have contracts to teach gun safety, so we should be safe there.


New member
Sounds like a good idea. I'll try to invite a new shooter to the range that weekend, and hopefully spark some new intrest in firearms and the shooiting sports.

If I cant do that, I guess I could always volunteer some time to fix berms or pick up brass.