USA Magazines in Glocks?


New member
Never had to use anything but original mags in my Glocks but I can't seem to find any nowadays with the panic shopping/Glock factory shutting down/etc. I was wondering if anyone out there has tried the USA brand mags in their Glocks? I am interested in hearing about their quality and performance, specifically in the G19, 36, 30, and 29. Any help would be much appreciated!


New member
I've used USA mags in pistols other than my Glocks and think they stink. Won't use them any more in anything. If you decide to, be aware that the all metal mag can chew up the magazine catch of the Glock.


New member
Buy factory mags and hi-caps. The hassle of cheap a-- aftermarkets isn't worth it. You'll here a few posts of how they work fine, but that's a rare case. Stick to factory. Just because Glock's factory shut down for a couple weeks doesn't affect magazines at all.

Bottom line, don't mess with the aftermarket crap!



New member
Aftermarket mag work well but not in Glocks. For some reason unknown to me, aftermarket mags do not work in Glocks. They jam a lot in Glocks. Pro-Mag, USA-Mag, and the likes do not work. Like the other posters said stick will the factory mags for Glocks.


New member
Don't Bother - stick with factory mags. If the high caps are too expensive, buy a sackful of the 10-rounders at $16/each.


New member
Another thing to think about is that while an aftermarket mag is steel, the magazine release on the Glock is plastic and steel will wear it down. You could change the release lever to steel but you'd face the same problems with Glock mags on steel. Stick with Glock factory mags because when your life depends on it, why take the risk?


New member
Must concur...stick with factory. :barf: After market mags just don't perform reliably enough to stake your life on!
I had bought a couple of after market mags for my Beretta. Neither worked reliably. You probably spent some decent dollars on your gun, don't skimp on a key component! ;)

Marko Kloos

New member
I've never seen a USA magazine work properly through two or three feed cycles.

The aftermarket mag hierarchy goes as follows: MecGar is top-notch (they make the factory stuff for Berettas, among others), ProMag usually work okay, RamLine can be a crap shoot, and USA mags are just crappy sheet metal tubes with some sort of spring in them. Maybe they'd make good Pez dispensers.


New member
When I had a Taurus PT 92, I bought two 15 round USA mags and never experienced a problem with them. Just recently, I bought two more USA 15 round mags for the Ruger P95 that I now own. Utter pieces of bat crap that won't feed. Period. Fortunately I didn't pay much for them.

Avoid USA mags at all costs. To put it succinctly, they blow.


New member
The new Glock ten rounders are a big improvement over the old ones. You can actually get ten rounds in them without having hands like King Kong. Ditto on USA.


New member
This thread is the funniest thing I've read in awhile!!!:D I agree with the :barf: comments on aftermarket junk mags. OEM all the way.