US military in Chinese berets!?!


New member
Why don't we also issue all new recruits the Congressional Medal of Honor?

If you wanted to boost morale by giving someone new hats... do something for the Navy with those YMCA costume sailor hats.

[Edited by ArmySon on 03-09-2001 at 01:34 PM]

Navy joe

New member
Next I suppose they'll run out of black dye over in China and switch to the Milspec approved substitute of light blue. :barf:


New member
I just read yesterday that Bush has asked the Army to 'take another look' at the idea.

Perhaps he's giving them an opportunity to reverse course before he does it for them.

Country Boy

New member
I read in the regional paper that MN's Gov. Jesse Ventura met with President Bush, and Bush told the Gov. that he is looking into it. I'm not a military man, but I do believe that one must EARN something for that something to have meaning. I can only imagine the pride that one must have when first handed the Globe and Anchor, or the Trident.

And yes, I have a lot more pride in something when it is made in the good ol' U S of A.


New member
I'm a veteran. I did not earn a beret. I sure as hell would not disrespect those who did by wearing this commie POS. One more puss ball inherited from clinton.


New member
I personally think that anyone wearing a beret should have to earn it. i.e Army green berets, Air Force pararescue. I think it takes away from the meaning of it when you give one to everyone and their mother.


New member
I'm all for blaming Clinton, but the truth is all the trouble started with adoption of the .223 and (even worse) the 9mm. The military must return to real god-fearing, one-shot-one-kill American calibers such as .30'06, .45 Colt, .45 ACP and .45/70. Until it does, the service will just keep degenerating. What else can you expect when you train soldiers to spray little bitty bullets all over in the vain hope they'll actually hit something.


New member
I'm glad I never had to make the decision as to either disgrace myself by wearing a hat made by the f*cking facist government of china or earning a court-martial. I hope I would have the guts to have chosen the latter option...


New member
Some things to keep in mind...

The Rangers have not had a monopoly on the Black Beret in the Army. IIRC, Armor wore them right up until the 80's. And I wholeheartedly believe that from what the Sherman drivers in WWII went through, Armor has earned that beret. But 'tis just my opinion.

Now, in the US military, a beret is considered a special hat, something to show that the wearer is more than a rank-and-file guy. I do not believe they ought to be giving berets to everyone in the Army.

As for the berets being made in china. At least they'll match our boots that way. :barf:


New member
Remember when Clinton left Andrews AFB for NY? He turned around and said something to the camera.

Since I am a world-renound lip reader, I can now tell everyone who Clinton said just before he entered the plane.

Clinton said, "BOHICA!"


New member
Nightcrawler, you are right about troops other than Rangers wearing black berets. When I got to Ft. Hood in 1977, Mech Infantry units were wearing black berets. Can't say for sure about the Armor guys. We went back to the regular headgear sometime in 1978.


New member
it makes me ill just thinking about legs wearing berets...I earned the right (over 100 jumps) to wear mine. now everyone can wear one???? I do understand other units wearing special headgear like the cav (cowboy hat) did until the mid 70's but LEGS in AIRBORNE berets is insane. AW hell give em purple hearts also!!!!!!