US declares war on Iraq


New member
President Joe Lieberman today declared war on Iraq. Lieberman just returned from Afghanistan, where he and John McLain solved all of that country's problems. (Lieberman was live on cable TV from Afghanistan, talking about the major issues "here in Southeast Asia". McCain didn't even blink when Joe said that.)

President Lieberman said that Iraq... Wait a minute! Loserman isn't President. He was the number two guy on the losing ticket, right? What's he doing on TV talking about attacking other countries??? Does he know stuff that Bush and Cheney and Powell and Rumsfeld don't? Must be. He's a lot more sure of himself and what needs to be done than the administration is. When McCain was asked about strategy in the war on terrorism, at least he had the good grace to say that the administration knew a lot more about what was going on over there, and he wasn't going to try to second guess them.

Methinks Joe is trying to elbow Big Al off the stage, and make a run for POTUS in 2004. Sad to say, I think that the political reality is that there is still enough bigotry in this country that a Jew could not be elected president, even a good candidate. Happy to say, on his own merits Loserman doesn't stand a chance. To start, he is a really annoying whiner. And his positions are so far to the left that he couldn't pull any cross-over Republicans voters, he would probably lose a good deal of the moderate Democrats, and he shoots his mouth off enough to eventually alienate most of the independent voters. Say good night, Joe.
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New member
Lieberman is a joke. I wouldn't be surprise that he is an Israeli agent. I will admit that we should finish the job in Iraq but for Lieberman to say something like that just leave me a bad taste in the mouth.


New member
Lieberman may be a joke but it is a sick one.

Nightmare of the week.....Lieberman runs with McCain.:barf:


New member
Lieberman is a joke...

His politics may be to the left and he may be anti-gun so this part I have no problem with,

...I wouldn't be surprise that he is an Israeli agent

:mad: WHY! Oh yeah, I forgot. All us Jews are Israeli spies right? Or is it just the old dual loyalty false charge again? Once again bigotry rears its ugly head. It is opinions like these that caused me to be a gun owner in the first place, anyone who thinks the Klan or Nazi Party is dead is dead wrong. When bigots like this rise to anti-semetic violence (happens about once every century or so) I will be prepared. When the knock comes to my door a 12ga, SKS and 1911 will be my answer- I will not go quietly to the chamber.:mad:

People that think they are more of a patriot than me because I am a Jew make me sick. I joined the Army out of high school. If not for an early discharge due to a bad ankle I had planned to stay 20 or 30 years. I never served the Israeli armed forces. I vote in every US election, I never voted in Israel. Several lines of my family have been here since the revolution and I've had family in most of our big wars (Revolution, Civil War, World War I, WWII and of course family members served during the Cold War, including me).

I can understand disliking Leiberman's politics but there is no other reason for the Israeli agent crap other than his (and my) religion. For those of you who think I overreact, imagine being in my shoes where you have heard this crap personally your whole life and it has been a charge leveled at your ethnic group (and used to justify violence) for thousands of years.


New member
I do not for a moment believe that all Jews and/or Israeli are enemy agents or disloyal in any way.

However, I am certain that Mossad has agents in the US. Hey, everyone spies on everyone else, why would Israel not?


New member

Yes every nation spies on every nation so I am sure there are Israeli spies in the US, that wasn't the issue.

The charge was that Leiberman was a spy for no other (apparent) reason than that he is a Jew. We have been subjected to this outlook for years.

It is one thing to understand that there are some Israeli agents here. It is another to charge that someone is one (no matter how ugly their politics) for no other reason than that they are a Jew. Throughout the centuries millions of us have been murdered over the assumption that we are disloyal simply because we are Jews. I will not stand for it and I will fight this charge whenever and wherever it appears as history shows it is very dangerous.


New member

I'm with you on this one. I intensely dislike Joe Lieberman's politics as well, but to somehow imply that he must be an Israeli agent is really too much.

At a minimum, it's a very tasteless remark, at worst, it sounds very prejudiced.

I don't like McCain either, but I don't go around accusing him of an Anglo-Celtic spy, even in jest. Why should it be any different with Lieberman? I just don't understand why some people have fall back to that kind of religious and racial pigeon-holing to express their political differences? It really makes me think that there are strong undercurrents of religious and racial prejudice among some people.

Having said that, if I would quibble a little bit with what you said in that I do believe that there are folks who engage in "dual loyalty" (of many different backgrounds).



New member
Does this mean I'm a Polish double-agent?

Be outraged about the guy's politics (I am...) but draw the line before making a toss-off blanket statement. It is wrong and it detracts from the good points you made.


New member
I just love how these congressional idiots want Pres. Bush to jump all over Iraq. Nothing has changed since Billy Bob was there so why didn't he do it? Oh yeah they couldn't blame any difficulties of Pres. Bush. It's two by four time.


Moderator Emeritus
Don't forget...

...all those Papists who get their secret marching orders from the Vatican at every mass. :rolleyes:

I thought all this nonsense went out of style about the same time as the accusation that the Freemasons were poisoning the wells?


Member In Memoriam
" ... the accusation that the Freemasons were poisoning the wells?"

They stopped!?

Great! Been sooo thristy! :p


Why does anybody even listen to that goober, he is just trying to keep his face on the TV and front page.




New member
A Newsweek reporter on CNBC last night said that it used to be that before a politician started a run for president, he had to do the obligatory tour of the 3 "I"s: Italy, Ireland, and Israel. Now, he said, it appears that the 3I tour has been replaced by a junket to the "-stans": Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.

Joe Loserman, John McPain, and several other POTUS-wannabes have already been there. Daschle is scheduled for next week. Your tax dollars at work.


New member
Sorry, I just can't get too excited about a guy who whines when he talks, not to mention he looks like My Favorite Martian. (sorry Ray Walston, wherever you are!)