US Blues


New member
What happened to the US pistol makers? I own no pistols made in the US. When it comes to pistols I hear more about Glock, Sig, HK, Walther, Beretta, & CZ. Than US makers S&W, Ruger, Colt, & others. Others are mostly 1911 clones Kimber, Springfield Arms, & Par Ordinance. It looks like the US pistol is the 1911. Maybe It's because I own no US made pistols. But to American shooters carry a pistol made in the US? Or do they carry a pistol made outside the US? If not a US made pistol why?


New member
My primary carry is a Kimber 1911 Commander clone, backed up with a Kahr K9, both American companies.
Para Ordnance is a Canadian company.
A very large percentage, perhaps 1/2 of gun sales in the US is revolvers. Ruger and S&W are the majority of these with Taurus, a Brazilian company, rounding out the top 3.

Eric Larsen

New member
Personally, where its made has nothing to do with whether or not I own it. I have CZ, Kahr, Ruger, Taurus and S&W guns.
Even if the gun isnt made in the states, the distrubution centers....Taurus Intl, CZUSA etc, are still a viable US business and will benefit from our support.

Simply put..."a good gun is a good gun, regardless of where its made"

NAA, Kahr, Ruger, S&W and alot of other "world class guns" that arent 1911 styles are made here.

Shoot well

Frankly 45

New member
Probably mostly by coincidence, All the firearms I own are not only made in the U.S.A. but, living in Connecticut, all were manufactured or have corporate offices within 75 miles of my house. Just an added bonus that I'm able to patronize companies and workers that may or do patronize the company I work for.

That being said I soon hope to patronize Marlin Fire Arms in North Haven, Ct., Kahr Arms in Worcester Mass.,(coincidently - see what I mean?)

A Browning or FN Hi Power is on my list as well, maybe a Beretta or HK, - Guess I'll have to go out of New England eventually!;)
Kahr handguns are made somewhere in New York, I believe.

I think Springfield Armory is based in the US, but frames and the like are made overseas and assembled here.

Para Ordnance is, I believe, made and headquartered in Canada.