MP Freeman

New member
Do this now.

Call the Florida speaker of the house and encourage them to hold a special session to determine the electors in Florida. They are considering doing this as we speak. If you get an answering machine, leave a message. The congress has a 2-1 republican majority in both houses.

Call: 1-850-488-1450

Keep this at the top.



New member
Tried to call, voice mail for the Speaker is full! This is a good thing! Call or try to get through today. Also, someone said that they want FAXES so they can document the outcry on the election. Let's get to it, folks. Will someone please get the FL Speakers FAX NUMBER and post it?



New member
I received the following email from a friend of mine in the mid-west over 4 hours ago.


Before lunch (almost two hours ago), I called the FL speaker of the house's office.

I talked to an aide or some guy who wanted to know where I got the number from. He was somewhat cheesed that I called. After telling him it didn't matter where or how I got the number, we had a pleasant chat.

He thinks there will be an emergency session convened not today but Friday!

I asked if he was aware time was running out and they only have a matter of days. I asked if a turkey drumstick and cranberry relish is more important than a theft of the electoral process!

We talked about other things and he confirmed a theft of bush ballots and the illegal process of closing the reporters out of the recount process. He also said it was illegal to just recount the dimpled ballots.

That's all for now. I may make some more phone calls later.


I'm headed home now and will happily hit the phones as well.


New member
Neal Boortz (www.boortz.com)has a different take on this action. What do you all think?

From today's Nealz Nuze:


There’s a lot of talk this morning about a special session of the Florida General Assembly for the purpose of certifying the election of the Bush electors. Yes, the General Assembly has the statutory right to do this. After all, presidents are, in the final analysis, elected by states, not by the people.

Well, if you’re a Republican you had better hope this ridiculous idea dies a swift death. Look --- if Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Dubya’s brother, calls a special session of the Florida Legislature, and if this Republican dominated legislature proceeds to certify the slate of Bush electors, thus handing the election to Jeb’s brother, you can start the countdown to 2002, the countdown to the near-destruction of the Republican party. On the second Tuesday of November, 2002, the people of this country, goaded on by the media, will send the Republican party back to the 19th Century and the way will be paved for years of totalitarian Democratic dominance of our political process.

The person who thought up this stupid idea obviously isn’t taking their Ginko.

Patriot 21

New member
BAB, Sorry, I firmly disagree. It would serve to energize those of us who live in the "red" area of the map. Look at the map, the media no longer has the hold on the U.S. that they once did. We are winning the cultural war! (In spite of Satan himself being a card carrying Democrat/Socialist.) We are winning due to the fact that thinking people don't HAVE to turn to the mass media to get their Daley (Mis-spelling intended) fix!

Here is a little known election fact; Algore carried the city of New York by a larger number of popular votes than he led the final popular vote total. What does that say? Governor Bush WON the rest of the country hands down!


New member
Remember all, what I posted is a.) not my take on it, it's Neal Boortz's, and b.) for the purpose of an opposing opinion and for generating discussion.

Personally, I'm more inclined to think that if this is what we need to have done to have Bush take his rightful place as president of the United States, then so be it. I am concerned though about what we may be facing come 2002, regardless of who becomes president now, but especially if Bush wins. I'm not yet firmly convinced that getting Bush in via this action is best for us conservatives. But then again, conservatives will always be portrayed by the other side as the enemy, regardless of whether or not we win and regardless of how we go about winning. So maybe we should go full speed ahead with this.

Patriot, I hope your interpretation of the situation is correct!


New member

Thanks for the post, but I disagree with Boortz too. He has been a pain the Republican's rear end all year. He came out vigorously for Harry Browne and he didn't care how much it hurt Bush. I wouldn't trust a thing he says.

My .02



New member
Here's my letter:

November 21, 2000

Honorable Speaker of the House
Florida House of Representatives
Tallahassee, FL

Honorable Speaker,

I am disgusted with the travesty of justice that has been dealt to the people of this country by the Florida Supreme Court. In an obviously partisan fashion, the liberal justices of the court took it upon themselves to legislate from the bench on a matter that affects not only the state of Florida, but the national populace as well. The high court has effectively breached the separation of powers by legislating new rules for Florida elections from the bench. In a partisan and obviously politically motivated manner, they have given special favor and privilege to Mr. Gore by allowing a flawed, subjective hand count in counties controlled by the Democratic party. Not only is the process flawed, subjective, and subject to gross election fraud as we have witnessed in Miami-Dade today, but it in effect disenfranchises voters from other Florida counties, as well as the voters nationally. Please do everything in your power to prevent the will of the people from being abused as it is now by the Democratic party. I call upon the Florida legislature to rule in favor of the rightful president-elect, Mr. Bush. The citizens of this nation have been patient—up to a point. We will not, however, allow this election to be stolen in such an obviously partisan manner. You have within your power the option of allowing Ms. Harris to certify the election for Mr. Bush, or voting to certify the Florida electors for him directly. Please intervene now. You and the Florida legislature must protect free and fair elections in this country if this country is to have a future. Please act quickly.



MP Freeman

New member
Cut and paste Westtexas post and fax ASAP. There is precious little time.

If we are to have a country and a society, the laws that are legally and justly established must stand. The bench has no authority to set a new deadline. This is illegal, unjust, unconstitutional, immoral, and I'd say traitorous! Now is the time to call for enforcement of a just law. This is not like enforcing unconstitutional gun-laws. These election laws either stand or fall in the court. They cannot be rewritten. We elect our congress!


Oh. BTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Call people!

John Marshall

New member

Christopher Ruddy at Newsmax.com agrees with you. His take on this problem is that Secretary Harris should go ahead and certify the election results as of last Saturday's legal deadline noting the fact that she has waited for the Supreme Court ruling and citing the clarity of the Florida statute. She, not Bush, should then request a review by the U.S. Supreme Court citing the Florida Court's over-reaching its judicial powers in violation of the Separation of Powers clause of the Constitution and she should request that the Florida Legislature set standards by which all punch card ballots are to be judged.

Seems a reasonable process to me.

MP Freeman

New member
BTT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come on, make the call. If the gun grabbers are the only one's playing the game, we will lose for sure. We are up against a people know as existentialists. Basically it's a philosophy that says you play by the rules when it fits your needs. Kind of like putting on a jacket only when it's cold. Slip in and out with ease!

Don't let them get away with it!



New member
Please feel free to copy and distribute my letter to the Florida House of Representatives. Please copy and paste my letter onto your stationary and fax it in now. We are gaining momentum on this issue, and if the Fla SC allows Gore to FORCE Miami-Dade to count only those 10,000 undervotes, we very well may DEPEND upon the Fla State Legislature to get us out of this mess. Before you set down at your dining room table and enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner, please send a fax to the Fla. House. I am thankful to be an American, imbued with God-given and constitutional rights. Do NOT allow Gore to seize power of our government through the legal system. Do your part, today, and then enjoy a nice turkey dinner.


Bob Leonard

MP Freeman

New member
BTT !!!!!!!!!!

[phony salesman voice on]

Make that call today! Or fax in your request!

[/phony salesman voice off]

Really just wanted this back on top.


Gary H

New member
The Senate is the Problem

I understood that the Florida House was rather activist, but that the Senate was more reserved. Supposedly the problem is on the Senate side.

Who would such an action hurt? God only knows. I hope that it doesn't come to this.