Urgent Ronald Reagan Legacy Alert!


New member
CNN is conducting a Quick Poll on putting Reagan on the $10 bill. Americans for Tax Reform and its Ronald Reagan Legacy Project have strongly endorsed this proposal that is quickly emerging as the consensus for those that wish to honor Reagan on our nation's currency. Hamilton, currently on the $10 bill, was never president.

Since CNN's viewership has grown more liberal the last several years, we need to help "the Gipper" in this poll—otherwise liberals will have it to use against us when we try to pass legislation.




New member
I'm voting against it. I think that having Alexander Hamilton on US currency is entirely appropriate based on his legacy. Let's not get into a rush to change things. That's my stand.

Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
I'll vote for it. Hamilton did leave a legacy not to be forgotten, but President Reagan's strong stand brought down the wall and ended the Cold War which is quite a legacy as well.



New member
I'm all for Reagan replacing Hamilton....

Hamilton was a dyed-in-the-wool Federalist who wanted to establish the Presidency as a dictatorship for life. If you study his life, his political style closely resembles the likes of James Carville & Karl Rove... :barf:

Plus, unlike Reagan, he was NOT a straight-shooter...

(...just ask Aaron Burr. ;) )


New member
I look to it as circulation. George Washington is on the 1$ bill and is most widely distributed. To me a 1000 dollar bill wouldnt be used as much and thus not as worthy as the 10$ bill. JMNSHO


Moderator Emeritus
Anything to get Hamilton off the ten-spot, 'though I'd prefer replacing him with Silent Cal. Maybe we could boot FDR off the dime while we're at it and put the Gipper there. :)


New member
Hamilton, currently on the $10 bill, was never president.

Since when did being president become a prerequisite for being on a piece of currency? In fact i think having presidents on the currency PERIOD is a stupid idea. We spent a LONG and difficult time trying to get AWAY from the idolotry of human leaders. This seems like a big step backwards.

In fact it seems like a big step TOWARDS the very things that tick people off about Hamilton.

Are we going to take Franklin off the 20 now because HE was never ellected to office?


New member
Great idea. Make sure the picture of Ronnie shows him sleeping. Maybe we could have a group scene on the back of the bill: some contras, a bunch of Iranians with SAMs, some out of work ATCs, and a voodoo doll full of money that never trickled down past Northrop Grumman. :barf:

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New member
Taking advantage of a no-strike clause to fire folks who want slight improvements in working conditions that would drive most of us crazy, improvements that were implemented when they fired PATCO and brought in scabs, what a hero!

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New member
Generalize all you like, I personally feel the Patco decision was wrong. As I do Iran-Contra, voodoo economics, trickle-down theories, a federal deficit that quadrupled, declaring ketchup a vegetable, tax-cuts that were slanted to help the wealthiest, declaring that trees cause pollution, beginning the deep dark slide into the draconian gun restrictions in California, and so on.

Look, he was human. I'm sure he had good qualities. But the level of sycophantic "odor of sanctity" crap -- not to mention the whitewashing and short memories -- are enough to stick in my craw. Bad enough they renamed the damn airport. <G>

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New member
Yep...Ol' Ronnie tinkled in a lot of folks' Cherios with his victories.

If you're a "share the wealth" kind of guy, I can see where you might be sick of all the hoohah.