Urgent - need links to operations of combloc-type weapons. Stat.

Jim March

New member
There's a better than 50/50 chance I will be in Afghanistan soon - as in days. Not in an armed capacity, at least not planned. I need good youtube videos or other data on the operation of long arms commonly found over there - AK47 for sure, probably SKS...hell, maybe even old Enfield bolt-guns. Handguns I have covered but I'm not much of a rifleman. This would be "emergency use only" information but I think I need it regardless.

Can't talk yet about what I'll be doing but if you know me well enough you could guess. Please don't in this thread, PM is OK if I already know you well.


New member
that's impossible.
over there you are likely to find anything from mausers to soumis, thompsons to STG44s, enfields to black powder rifles... there are just too many that you could run into to offer any kind of advice.


New member
What you would encounter the most (if the worst happened) are: AKs, Mosin-Nagants, Martini-Henrys (Khyber Pass copies), Enfields, and M4s/M16s.


New member
I returned from 7 months in Kabul on 29 Nov 12, so my info is dated from that time. I completed 30 some-odd convoys all over Kabul, and did a lot of work with ANA, ANP, and AAF, so I was not your typical FOBBIT.

Everything mentioned I saw over there. The ANSF are armed with AK variants with some ANP armed with M-16 variants. I saw my share of Martinis and Enfield percussion black powder in the bazaars, but not carried.

Crew served expect to see DsHKA as well as PKM and RPK at the unit level. There will be the rare Dragunov sighting.

I don't know what you do, but I did work with some US GS civilians sent over there for consultation/mentoring at different levels. PM me if I can help with cultural aspects or lay of the land in Kabul.
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