Upper end bolt actions....in .22LR


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How would you rate .22LR bolt actions, in terms of engineering and quality?

Dakota Arms
Winchester 52's

Did I miss any?


New member
yes you missed Savage. It may not be topoftheline, but i can shoot .4" 5 shot groups at 50 yards with my Savage (off the bench, not clamps)


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I would put Anschutz and Walther at the top of the list, but even within those brands, there are different models. The Anschutz 54 actions are better than the 64s, for evample. What is it that you want this for?


New member
I own a Cooper Arms Model 36 and a Kimber Classic. Previously I have owned a BRNO Model 2E which is the same rifle as the CZ 452.

The Cooper is by far the more accurate rifle. It shoots .3" with just about everything and smaller if I do my part. One afternoon I began shooting a group and just kept shooting. 50 rounds went into .6".

The Kimber Classic is a very pretty rifle and is more of a plinker/hunter than a target rifle. It does not shoot as well as the Cooper. With ammo it likes it will stay under .5" at 50 yards but not all the time. It will throw the odd flier.

The BRNO/CZ is the best bargain bolt action rimfire I've found. Mine shot rings around Rugers, Savages, Marlins and Remingtons (40X excepted).


New member
I've got 4 Model 52's....have been very satisfied with the quality and accuracy. Would really like to acquire a Dakota someday.

Have the Coopers, Kimbers, and others made any improvements on the 52's nearly 100 year old design?


I would have to second Anschutz as being in the top tier. I had an old 54 target with a trigger that let off when you began thinking about it. Joking aside it was quite simply superb.

In addition to those mentioned by others already, Krico made some fine .22s, and the new Remington 504 sounds promising too.


New member
In all this excitement about Anshutz and Walthers, let's not forget about the Ruger 77/22!

Mine is a hell of a shooter and shoots as well as guns costing twice as much as this one did.

I picked up this beauty for $335. Add another $300 for the Leupold 3-9x40 scope and you're in business.
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New member
I saved up and spent a lot of money on a Kimber H.S.
It would not group under 1" at 50 yards. My freind is a 50/50 B.R. shooter and we tried all his best ammo and high tech bench rest, still no go.
Bought a CZ 452 Lux, much better.


New member
The unquestioned King

of all .22 bolts of all time is.............

Winchester Model 52. What a superb rifle. I have a 1929 speedlock rifle, and a 1948 52B. Both drive tacks and are classic as hell. Anschutz makes a fine rifle too, but they're, you know, foreign.


New member
Anschütz makes some really top shelf rifles, particularly if you're into competitive shooting.

I have a Springfield 1922 M2 that still shoots almost as well as my Anschütz M1913.

I do agree that the CZ 452 is a heck of a value.



New member
I would second the 77/22 as being worthy of a list of high-end .22's. For an off the shelf gun, the heavy-barrels with a decent trigger are outstanding shooters.

I've been benchresting with a pretty stock 77/22 for quite a while and I've put some very high end Anschutz shooters in the dirt with a gun costing 1/4 as much. Our top guy at my range has one too, and before going with a Kimber 82, used his bedded and worked 77/22 to dominate our league last year.


New member
Well, if we're talking $700 as being a high end gun, I'll take a Finnfire. Okay, it was just $699. It didn't need a Jewell trigger, but I'm glad I got one.

I really thought an upper end rimfire discussion would be in the $1500 and up range. The Super Americas and Custom Classic Coopers and such. Or maybe the Cooper Western Classics for $4k and up and the Dakotas.

$600 - I'll take my ANIB Remington 541-S.

$285 got me a week-old CZ American .22WMR with killer wood. Turned out to be good accurate gun.

As far as really high end guns, I don't know a lot about Dakotas. Heard some stuff, but don't know anything. They're pretty though.

An Anschutz 54 would be nice and is very accurate. Maybe one day.

Walther - no experience.

Mauser - no experience.

Suhl - I'll take 2 - one original and one built for BR.

I'd like to have a New Ultra Light Arms .22.

The Cooper Custom Classic I bought will flat shoot and I haven't really tested any ammo. So far I've only used one lot of Tenex and one of Wolf Match Extra.

The Kimber Super Americas look good. I'd like to get one. (But I'd bet I get another Cooper first.)

Same with an original Winchester Model 52C or 52D.

Same with a Remington Model 37.

I've never really wanted a 40x.



New member
I have only handled most of these, only owned a 52 sporter. However, it's hard to imagine any that are nicer or more accurate than the 52 sporter.

This is probably one of those threads where a bunch of great rifles are mentioned and you really couldn't go wrong with any of them...


New member
I am very happy with my CMP Remington 40X.
It's a heavy barrel model, built mostly for prone or benchrest shooting.
It's as accurate as my early Winchester M52 and can take a modern scope.
The CMP is out of the 40Xs. I'm glad I got in under the wire and got one.

The rifle I used for e-mail .22 benchrest match shooting before the 40X was a Remington 541-T HB. It felt like a target rifle when I started using it, but now feels like a silhouette/squirrel rifle compared to the 40X.