Update: What's your feeling for the 300WSM


New member
I searched the posts for anything on 300WSM and found some good info, but nothing of recent.

Are dies available?

Will this "rebated rim" cause problems?

Anyone own one of the Brownings or Winchesters chambered for it yet, do you like..........?


New member
LOL!,........wait,...I don't get it!

Soooooo...you're saying.........

OK, I'm not getting the warm-fuzzy........

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I don't do any shooting that requires a magnum, so I haven't gotten all warm and runny over the WSM.

I guess we're still where we were: The concept makes sense, and the various test reports sounded rational. Same velocity, less powder, is rather a good thing from the standpoint of barrel life.

I've never heard of any problems due to a rebated rim. As for dies, I'd suggest calling RCBS or checking out their website.



New member
Well, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna get the Browning A-Bolt Medallion in .300WSM (locally $619)

I base my decision on the fact that this cartridge has better downrange ballistics than 300WM & 30-06 and reportedly has less recoil.

I can get the dies (redding) for $37.50

Now the pressing question is what scope to put on it?
What's a good $200-300 scope (if I need to spend that much)?

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
For all that I'm happy with the $100 Simmons 44mag on my pet '06, I'm also partial to the Leupold Vari-X II 3x9 on my .223...

Unless you eally expect to shoot at stuff beyond 500 yards, I don't really see the point in more than 9 or 10 power. On one of my much-longer shots on a deer, the scope happened to be set on 3X, and Bambi didn't know the difference...

:), Art


New member
Thanks Art, I've heard Leupold is a good make and that gives me a model # to price check at various spots.

I've got to vent...I drove the 100+ miles to the shop that had the rifle and then got the "delayed" schpeel from the insta-check morons!! Now I have to wait for the phone call in the next "72hrs" and drive down there again. All this for a guy who has valid CCW permits in three states? This same government allows commercial airline flight instruction to Muslim-fundamentalist-extremist-terrorists, but this veteran, red-blooded American can't cash and carry a deer rifle?


New member
Read this months Guns & Ammo. They have a write up on the .300 WSM V .300 RSUM V 7mm RSUM. To sum it up the Win beats the Rem.

dennis carter

New member

I seriously considered the 300 WSM, but settled on a 308. I was concerned about reloading dies, recoil, and barrel wear. Let me know how you like it after you get it to a range.

I'd also like to comment on your "vent."

I've got to vent...I drove the 100+ miles to the shop that had the rifle and then got the "delayed" schpeel from the insta-check morons!! Now I have to wait for the phone call in the next "72hrs" and drive down there again. All this for a guy who has valid CCW permits in three states? This same government allows commercial airline flight instruction to Muslim-fundamentalist-extremist-terrorists, but this veteran, red-blooded American can't cash and carry a deer rifle?

About a week after the latest Arab Muslim murder of Americans, I was at a project meeting. The project manager pointed to the NRA emblem on my jacket and asked me if I was one of the terrorists. My response was "Are you a dumb ass or just a smart one?"

If you live in Virginia, vote. But, do not vote for democrat Mark Warner. 70 years of democrat occupation is more than enough.

Good luck with your purchase.

Dennis D. Carter


New member
Dennis, I fired 6rds so far. I want to break the barrel in perfectly, so I cleaned the barrel, fired 2 shots.......cleaned it.....fired 2...cleaned....then fired two more.

The recoil wasn't what I was expecting!
It was nothing! Guessing about half the recoil of my 12guage slugster and certainly less than a freinds M1 30-06.

What concerns you about "muzzle wear"?

J Scott

New member
Sighted in a Browning A-bolt Medallion this past weekend.

No problems with recoil. I was shooting the Win. 150g Ball. Slvr. tips.

Final three shot group was .955 inches at 100 yards.

Leupold Vari-XIII 3.5-10x40. Power was set at 6x.

Very nice trigger too.

J Scott

dennis carter

New member
My concern about muzzle wear was probably unfounded. While researching which caliber to order, someone mentioned that the magnums caused more wear and tear on the barrels, shortening their lives. I spoke with a couple of knowledgeable people and they said, "technically, that's correct." So, I ruled out getting a magnum.

I hope to get my 308 in about a month. I'm sure looking forward to it.



New member
My October copy of Shooting Industry says that Winchester is introducing 7mm and 270 WSM's soon, in StainlessClassic, Classic Feather weight, and Classic Laminated, and also the Coyote push feed. Sounds like I might pick one up. Semper Fidelis...Ken M


New member
J Scott, that accuracy sounds great! I can't wait to sight mine in....
I was hesitant about using the SilverTips for "breaking-in". The coating on the bullet is what,...moly,...nylon...? Anyway, I wanted *real* metal polishing those rifling grooves for the first 50 rds. I'm probably being way too anal....

WilderBill, I found the Leupold Vari-X II 3-9 for $189 at a local gun shop, if there's a price better than that..........****t!

Dennis, I can't imagine I'll ever fire the "magnum" rifle enough to wear the barrel out. We've gotta be talking 10,000 rounds to do that, no? I doubt I'll ever fire the thing 2,000 times in my lifetime.........

My unborn son's son may wear the thing out though...............hmmmmm...

dennis carter

New member
I admit it. I freaked. Still looking forward to getting the 308 and getting to the range. Brown's recommended break in procedure is a little different than the one you're using. I hadn't even considered breaking in the barrel until you mentioned it.

How do you like the Browning A bolt? I'll bet it's pretty smooth.



New member
TV Dean, most magnum target guns last about 1500-1800rds, those being 300Win mag and 30-338 for the most part. Often, shooters have the barrel set back(thereby renewing the throat), and then they get another 800-1000rds out of them. Now this is 1000yd target accuracy, I'm sure you could go another 500-800rds without problems if we're only worried about minute of deer or elk. I'll bet the 300WSM is gonna last about 2000rds, minimum, provided you do not heat it up too much. Semper Fidelis...Ken M


New member
Someone asked about scopes. Having done a lot of looking, I think the two best high magnification scopes in the $300 range are the Nikon Monarch and the Weaver Grand Slam.

But, the Weaver has the rugged and repeatable T-series adjusters, and nicer ergonomics. And it costs about $60 less than the Nikon. It also won a recent comparison test among scopes (do an online search).

I know Weaver doesn't enjoy the best reputation for their scopes, but the Grand Slam is worth your consideration.