Update: Groundskeeper Arraigned on Weapons Charges


Moderator Emeritus
Remember the story of the Capistrano Unified School District groundskeeper that was arrested and charged with weapons violations when police searched his home looking for stolen school property? Every once and a while I like to check back with the Orange County Register to see if anything ever became of that case. Guess what? Jerry D. Peacock is being arraigned TODAY on 27 felony weapons counts. The original threads on this story have been moved to the TFL Archives and are currently inaccessible, but here is the gist of the story.

Jerry D. Peacock, at some time in the past sued the school district for which he works for harassment and won a fairly large settlement/award. Recently, on a tip from a school district employee, police raided Peacock’s home and confiscated some school equipment (boots, rake, etc.). During the search, police also found a large collection of firearms. They arrested Peacock and a judge set his bail at one million dollars. Bail was subsequently reduced to $100,000 and Peacock was released. Guns were being tested to see if any were illegal/unregistered.

It was generally agreed upon on TFL that the school district had an axe to grind and that the confiscation was bordering on illegal. Nothing more was released in the papers until recently. If anyone can help fill in the blanks in my "from memory" story, please do so.

I don’t want to pay the four bucks to get the full stories (what can I say, I’m a cheapskate). Here’s where I found the SUMMARIES. For more background information go to http://www.ocregister.com/archives and do a search on the name Peacock.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>OTHER CUSD WORKERS' HOMES SEARCHED
Saturday, January 8, 2000

Credit: HEATHER LOURIE; TONY SAAVEDRA: The Orange County Register

Three Capistrano Unified School District employees' homes were searched last fall following a tip by a police informant who earlier led authorities to an arms cache in a co-worker's San Clemente home.

Little was found in the follow-up searches except for one Glock 36 semiautomatic gun, which was confiscated, officials confirmed Friday.[/quote]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>TRIAL ORDERED IN GUN-CACHE CASE
Wednesday, February 9, 2000

Credit: DEBBIE TALANIAN: The Orange County Register

A judge on Tuesday determined there is enough evidence to send a San Clemente man to trial on charges of possessing dozens of illegal weapons.

Jerry D. Peacock, 43, a groundskeeper for the Capistrano Unified School District now on an unpaid leave, is scheduled Feb. 22 for Superior Court arraignment on 27 felony weapons counts.[/quote]

I know that a number of TFL members emailed Heather Lourie about this story and never heard anything back. Maybe someone could try it again. I’ll be checking back with the OCRegister again to see if there is any further info. Hopefully we will have more on this case tomorrow.


"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website


New member
Here we go everyone.

Confiscation, incarceration.

Anyone want to argue that it hasn't begun in earnest? I am wondering when the people with their head in the sand who think that all we have to do is vote and write letters will wake up and realize that the game has begun.

"As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression.
In both instances there is a twilight when everything remains
seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all
must be most aware of change in the air - however slight -
lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness."
--Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas


New member
Maybe I am living in Lalaland, but what is supposed to be illegal about the arms of this man who apparently did nothing wrong?
I hope somebody out there in the shameful state of California still has the guts to mount some sort of legal defense for this man so that he is not hoodwinked into plea barginning himself into a felony conviction that will ruin the rest of his life. Why else would they bring 27 fellony charges against him? They want him to plead guilty to at least one (they are so merciful!!), so that they can get rid of him with out any trouble like a sheep lead to slaughter.
The whole thing is repellant.

[This message has been edited by Herodotus (edited February 22, 2000).]


Moderator Emeritus
Absolutely NO mention of this in the OC Register today. Still looking for updates though. I'm going to try and find Heather Lourie's email addy and send her a query. Will report findings when I find 'em.


"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website


New member
i myself would like to know what illeagal or supposed illeagal weapons he had has there ever been a list put out of what he had or the exact charges hes up aginst



New member
there were pictures of a bunch of military rifles
someone extended the bayonets on all the sks rifles for the picture

are none of the charges for stolen school property?
he was accused of having a lawnmower some ladders and boots IIRC



New member
i noticed once they had they guns the deal with the stolen property which was what this was all about to begin with just dissapered this whole thing has a stink to it if any one can get any more info on this case id love to hear it



Retired Screen Name
If I'm not mistaken, they actually found a ladder and some boots. THEN they took all the guns, several thousands of rounds of ammo, and a bunch of gun BOOKS and MAGAZINES. They've already admitted, quite awhile ago, that at least some of the charges were bogus--it was the grenades, IIRC. They confiscated a bunch of demil grenades and of course reported them as simply "grenades." Demils are harmless unless you drop one on somebody's head and perfectly legal.

The whole thing is disgusting. And what happened with the arraignment? It took this long to bring charges? I thought your arraignment was on a time limit established to comply with the speedy trial idea. Guess I was wrong.

I too was a little jealous when I read that they found a "Glock 36." Hell, nobody else can buy one. Idjits who don't check facts . . .

Gopher a 45

New member
Gun books and magazines?!?! I can only imagine what the uproar would have been had the guy been a regular customer of Paladin Press.


Moderator Emeritus
As was originally reported...
The guy was on a paid disability leave. He (along with 2 others) had won a harrassment suit against the district. Allegedly, a neighbor called the district, anonymously, with a tip that there was school district property at Peacock's home. (This turned out to be a ladder, a pair of boots and a couple plastic buckets.) This was apparently enough to have a warrant served by a SWAT team.

I wrote to Ms Lourie 4 times over the next 3 months (Sept-Dec) asking about this story. I never received a single reply

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

[This message has been edited by DC (edited February 23, 2000).]


New member
It's on. This is infuriating. We need regular updates and information regarding all concerned parties and court dates.

Eric Conaway

New member
Enough is enough. They have not only infringed upon his rights as guaranteed by the 2nd admendment but have also infringed upon his rights as guaranteed by the 1st admendment. This is deplorable. Put yourself in his shoes. How would you feel? Angry? If not then you should be. Make yourself angry. We have to do something - write, talk, preach, demontrate etc.
For three or four generations Americans have sat by and let their rights be gutted.

