Upcoming Colorado demos - pssst, pass it on


Member In Memoriam
"Tell your friends! Come one, come all!
Come to one and come to ‘em all!
(cross-post to whatever forums you can/care)

Tyranny Response Team report
Upcoming pro-gun/pro-freedom events

1. Jesse Ventura meets with Bill Owens
This Friday (2/18) 10AM at the Brown Palace, Denver (321 17th ) … "Bill Lied!" demo

See if we can get Jesse to ask Bill "What did you do to make your constituents so mad!?"

You can carpool from Paladin Arms, 320 Main, Longmont - leave at 8:30 or just show at Brown Palace

2. Bill Owens’ President’s Day/Morgan County/Lincoln Day Fundraiser - Bill’s the keynote speaker

Next Monday (2/21) 6PM, at the Ft. Morgan Quality Inn, I-76 (exit 75) … "Bill Lied!" demo

Locals to Loveland, Ft Collins, etc. will meet at Hwy 34 & 23rd, in Greeley, by the giant American flag - east of Perkins … leave at 4:45PM to carpool & convoy

See if we can get Morgan County GoP to ask Bill "What did you do to make our constituents so mad?"

This one will be big!

3. Ft Collins Million Mom March demonstration

Next Tuesday (2/22) 7PM at The Foothills Unitarian Church, 1815 Yorktown Ave, Ft Collins …

Colorado MMMs took offense that we demo’d at the Ft Collins initial MMM meeting. They are bringing in their "big guns" from all over Colorado for a show of strength. They plan to ring their meeting place with women holding candles and singing songs to "protect" the ladies having the meeting. Hob-nob with Colorado’s MMMs’ "creme de la creme" and show ‘em we care. Should be another good one.

Ladies, we especially need you there to show that there are pro gun rights women in the state too."


New member
I'd really like to make the one in Fort Morgan...chances are good I'll be there.

Anyone else going to be at any of these?


Staff Alumnus
No way I can make tomorrow's thing (damn the luck!), but I'll be at the Million Moron March on Tuesday.

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson


Member In Memoriam
Quite the drive, Coin. Bring a bud or two? Thanks for the dedication.

Too, we had an unconfirmed report on the radio today that Hiz Guvness had cancelled the 2/18 Palace meet. Report supposedly originated from Channel 4/Denver.

The Guv's Press Sec & Channel 4 both say they haven't a clue re any cancellation or venue change.

BTW, the event is to be an on-air debate (radio) between Jesse & Bill. No idea (yet) on the station ID# or topic or if they'll accept call-ins for questions (think of that!). ;)

Trying to pin down that info ...

Doing our best to pin all this stuff down , get it out in a timely manner & still have to deal with any disinformation, venue changes/cancellations, etc.

Hey, whdaya want for nuthin'? ;)


Member In Memoriam
Just back from another - the Morgan Maul.
Another sucess = 400+, again on a weeknight & again in freezing weather. Folks stayed out for over four hours so we could all wave good-bye & good night to The Guv.

'Nother post in the AM - tired.


Member In Memoriam
Another event last night (2/22) - demo against MMM in Ft Collins.

200 of us in attendence to about (oh, call it) 40 MMM. They had to call in the "big guns" from Denver, etc. to boost the numbers that high. We pretty much pulled in just the locals - a bit beat from the event the night before in Ft Morgan.

Two in a row (again) on a work/week night.


Staff Alumnus
Dorry i couldn't make Ft.Morgan but I assure you my dad's "don't tread on me" flag was ALL OVER the news.

Dad said the turnout was great.

keep up the good work



New member
Dr. Rob-

That big yellow flag was being held by your dad? My wife and I would've been on TV except that we were hidden behind that flag. We only saw our legs! Funny.

BTW, did you all hear the Governor's comments about us when the newspeople interviewed him inside? Regarding our concerns and protests, he said something like, "You have to consider the source." Is it just me (and my wife), or did anyone else find that rather insulting? He also said our views were held by only a very tiny minority, almost as if he meant to say that the ONLY ones in the state that felt like we did were the ones there in Fort Morgan that night.


New member

Were you in Ft. Morgan Monday night? I was looking for a bald guy with a goatee and I actually saw several of them...


New member
RE: the demo in Fort Collins

You say it was probably 200 of us to around 40 of them? Hmmm, funny, I just read a Denver Post online article and they failed to mention any numbers, much less the fact that the gun-control advocates were outnumbered! Funnier still that when discussing the other two rallies (at the Governor's Mansion and Ft. Morgan), they made a point to mention numbers, although they also made a point to underestimate. Sheesh.


Member In Memoriam
I counted personally 178 & lost a few in the fringes as they were still coming from "around." Call it 200, call it 178 (oops, 179 - forgot to count me ;))

I'd call the MMM at 40 - probably a bit generous.

Coin made Monday & Dr. Rob. Tell your Dad to look me up at the next - Jeez! So many good fokls I'd like to shake with, etc .... now I'm getting a ll blubbery. ;)

The newsie have lied their butts off. Carla Crowder/RMN started doing her "piece" late AM
before the demo even started - it was a hit piece pure & simple.

I got a coupla other new posts to stick in ... I'm getting so p!$$*d at quite a bit here lately.