Unwillingly signed up for ASVAB.

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New member
Hey guys. I know this is slightly OT (I'll understand if it's locked), but it's kinda urgent.

I need a quick response from anyone up-to-date on military testing and enlistment proceedures.

--- Background ---

Today, I got home from school and my mom told me my school counselor called. The counselor apparently said that I'll be doing ASVAB testing in the Cafeteria at 8:30AM, Tuesday (Jan. 17) (first period of the first day of school next week, hence the urgency).

This was the first that I'd heard about it... I had planned to take the ASVAB and start the enlistment process NEXT year (senior year).

Basically, I was unknowingly committed to taking the test.

--- Questions ---

A - Can I take the test this year (since I'm already signed up), then take it again next year? Are there rules/laws against that? Possible future problems because of it?

B - Assuming I can only take it once, could I get out of the test by explaining the situation to whomever is administering it?

This is all pretty much a shock to me... Basically the semi-pop-quiz from hell... I'm looking from any and all advice from anyone up-to-date on current rules/regs.

Thanks in advance,
Wolfe... (Who's VERY not happy right now.)


New member
Are they MAKING you take the ASVAB or is it your option? I believe you can take the test more than once if I remember correctly. someone correct me if i'm wrong.


New member
You can take the test as many times as you want as far as I know. When I took it and joined the Navy, there was a girl there who had failed it 3 times and was still trying. Not sure if you can only retake if you fail, or can retake it simply cause you want to, but I HIGHLY doubt there will be a problem retaking to get a better score. The military likes that kind of 'initiative' and 'striving to do better' thing. :) Also, if you dont want to take it now, dont. You can take it anytime you want to later on. When (if) you decide to enlist, your recruiter will take you to a testing station to take the ASVAB if needed. (Its a very easy, common sense and stuff you learned in school kind of test, I wouldnt sweat it too much. I was 27 when I took it for the first time and got a 98, so.....)


New member
Thanks guys,

It's not that I'm concerned about a bad score (the sample questions I've seen were saddenlingly easy)... I just didn't plan or want to do it yet.

My main concern here is that my counselor seems to have signed me up without my knowledge, then let me know at the last possible moment. Being already signed up, I don't know if I'm going to be able to decline or not...

Wolfe... (Still not very happy.)
No one can make you do anything. You won't be hindered from joining in any way if you don't take the test this time.

By the way, is this the actual ASVAB, or is it just the meaningless diagnostic test that recruiters administer on their laptop?


New member
Thanks guys, you've allayed my fears for now... Guess I'll just have to wait and see what give Tuesday morning.

As a clarification, it's not a mandatory-for-all-students thing (someone asked in another forum, thought I'd say it before anyone asked here)... My best guess is that my counselor signed me up as a favor, because she knows I'm dead-set towards joining the military when I graduate... But favor or not, they have my name, and they'll be expecting me in the cafeteria...



Most high schools require you take it while others are currently boycotting it.

Its no big deal really. Its not like its enlisting you in anything. Doesn't change your odds of getting drafted either.

Just take it and forget about it. Unless you decide to serve your country.
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