unspent rounds


New member
What's the usual etiquette when you're on an indoor firing range and you get a malfunction or something and you don't plan on firing the round any more? Do you just toss it into the "spent rounds area" (this range is electronic, so there's a barrier)? Do you put it aside & give it to the crew upfront?

This usually only happens to me with 22lr, but I guess the question would be the same regardless.


New member
For .22 unless the bullet is gouged from the bolt not grabbing it right and smashing it into the chamber face I try it until it shoots. I have only been shooting for about 2 years, but only twice have I had a complete dud. Both were from the same bulk box of Winchester Wildcat. Every FTF has gone off on the second try except those 2 where I tried 3 times on each and still no bang. I just let them sit on the side of the bench and when I was done toss them into the range with the rest of the swept brass. This was an outdoor range though.


New member
I don't believe I have ever had one that didn't fire the second try. I suppose I would throw it in whatever trash receptacle they had handy.


New member
I'm having a feeding issue with my sig 22 classic which is kind of bending the brass and slightly unseating the bullet. I'll look for the dud can or try the trash. I tend to feel a little nervous with it slightly unseated and with the brass bent just loading it back up.

Thanks guys.


New member
I've never had a centerfire dud. Maybe I haven't shot enough, but generally centerfires are reliable and will go off.

Rimfire, however, those I get all the time (it's what I get for buying a bunch of Remington rimfire). Those go into the dud bucket. No point in fussing with it until I get a bang or in trying to reuse any of it.
The range where I shoot has a special receptacle fir dud rounds. It's a length of VERY heavy steel pipe, with solid steel end plates that are held on with some kind of circular clamp. The thing sits on end and the top plate has a very small hole, perhaps 3/4" diameter, just big enough to drop a cartridge through.