Unsolicited anti- e-mail


Moderator Emeritus
I received this today. I've never had correspondence with this person, thus they either lurk here or stumbled across my website.
Note how quickly he/she resorts to the ad hominem insults and namecalling; not to mention an appalling lack of constitutional comprehension.
Message is unedited and complete:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 03:38:46 -0500
From: Kim & David Donovon <donovon@tconl.com>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.72 [en] (Win98; U)
X-Accept-Language: en
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: doncicci@mobsters.com
Subject: Fool
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

The fundamental success of the constitution is based on our ability to
ammend it according to the needs of society at given times. If you
****-kickers knew how to read you would be able to tell that the second
amendment was to maintain a militia, and to make sure that no state
stood in the way of one. We have a militia Bubba, and it is so goddamn
selfish for you and your toothless friends to own guns in spite of all
the lives that are lost due to them. At this time there is no longer a
need for citizens to own guns. It's only a matter of time before we take
yours away and you know it. Don't you?[/quote]

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

Jim V

New member
DC, it makes one wonder why or how some people's children ever made it to adulthood.

I really wish that there was an anti-freedon terrorist that showed that he/she had an i.q. greater than that of an eggplant. (And that was not meant as an insult to the eggplants out there.)

"If there be treachery, let there be jihad."
Ne Conjuge Nobiscum


New member
So intelligent and so articulate, hope they get lost on the way to the polling place.

Sam..overheard in store; "I am NOT a hypocrite, I'm a democrat!"
Contact their ISP provider and report unsolicited, harassing e-mail.

Smith & Wesson is dead to me.

If you want a Smith & Wesson, buy USED!


New member
DC, you could smoke this guy in a debate and not even have to give your brain much exercise.

Remember the old saying "You receive honor according to the strength of your enemies."

I'm afraid that there isn't very much honor if fighting people this stupid. :)
When bozo and bozette are at the tender mercy of a home invader or car jacker, they will both appreciate the True meaning and spirit of the Second Amendment.

Keiller TN

New member
A polite, thoughtful response would be unexpected. You might soften them up some.

"Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain that build it:
except the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain." (Psalm 127:1)

The Second Amendment rights have not kept pace with the First.

"Freedom is given to the human conditionally, in the assumption of his constant religious responsibility."
(Alexander Solzhenitzyn)


New member
WB, trust all is well. The mailer is an obvious troll, otherwise they would never have referenced you as a bubba. As far as the toothless friends go, it isn't March yet and I still have my teeth thank you ;) The oral surgeon is planning a vacation to paradise, courtesy of yours truely. :(


Moderator Emeritus
Obviously something on this site has truly tweaked a couple of upstanding members of the illiterati... Quelle dommage!

"..but never ever Fear. Fear is for the enemy. Fear and Bullets."
10mm: It's not the size of the Dawg in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog!


New member
I second what Mike Irwin said.
After talking to the vapid drone I spoke with the other day, I no longer feel it profitable to debate with them.
The hostile tone of the pointless e-mail you received does not indicate that the sender is rational or interested in a reply.

I have a feeling the sender is white, yet crowned with dreadlocks.
Many philosophical titans are thus coiffed.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Well, without trying hard I find eight mistakes in spelling, punctuation or grammar. It seems the Donovons might benefit from the Six Rs: Remedial readin', remedial 'ritin', and remedial 'rithmatic.

One thing that intrigues me about antis like these: I always thought it best to refrain from agitating or aggravating anybody who was armed when I was not...Some, apparently, have no understanding of the word, "consequences".

:), Art


Moderator Emeritus

To mouth off to a known gun owner like that seems to signify a certain amount of duplicitous thinking or a faulty logic module. Isn't one of the cornerstones of their argument that we're all potential timebombs, just waiting for the right clocktower to appear on the horizon? Apparently, deep down, they don't believe that, else they wouldn't make such ill-mannered and venomous comments to a total (and well-armed) stranger.

"..but never ever Fear. Fear is for the enemy. Fear and Bullets."
10mm: It's not the size of the Dawg in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog!


New member
It almost seems like this email is the product of the sensible children. I think you should reply to the parent's email in a concerned fashion noting the mistakes in grammar, punctuation, and logic. If there is a response then have fun with it, you already know their email and you theirs. If not then look up their address and snail mail them anonymously a box of ****.

Long Path

New member
Tam and Art-- y'all are already on the track I was about to head in. Either we're the minority who inevitibly will lose to their might (as our Troll implies), or we're the BULLIES who put a stop to "sensible" gun control measure. Either we're idiotic toothless (intellect=dental health has ALWAYS escaped me, and yet, I have my teeth... Hunh...?) morons who can't be dealt with, or his/her tirade is actually aimed at convincing us of his/her silly viewpoint.

Interesting that he/she thought that that would be a worthy arguement to someone who is clearly as passionate and as well-versed in firearms libertarianism as DC. This would imply NON-thought.

Jeff Thomas

New member
How could you possibly debate with these people? Waste of time.

Kim and David Donovon ... two more reasons we need the RKBA, and we need to get out the vote. Kim and David may vote ... now there's a disgusting thought.

DC, glad your system is back up. Take care.

Regards from AZ

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Jeff, the last thing in the world I'd ever do is debate this sort of (to be kind) "person".

However, what with Terlingua Creek being higher than I'd want to ford (in my Toyota) :) and the feetsball game being boring, I decided to do my part for humanity. So, my email:

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Donovon:

Somebody, somehow, made use of your computer for the purpose of Spam Email. The following message was sent:

(Snipped, to save bandwidth)

Based upon the poor spelling, errors in punctuation and grammatical mistakes, I can but assume some mal-intentioned child made use of your property. Further, it is obvious there is a fundamental lack of background knowledge of the subject matter. Last, mature adults are generally aware that arousing anger in those who are customarily armed is less than rational and certainly is less than intelligent. The young generally have little understanding of "consequences".


Art Eatman
Terlingua, Texas

:) There, now. Ain't I the polite little feller?


Dennis Olson

New member
Someone should email them the two URL's to the threads on what level of education our members have, and what they do for a living....

No other comments need be sent with the URL's. (snicker)


New member
Quote; It's only a matter of time before we take
yours away and you know it. Don't you?

Are they personally going to come and confiscate your property?
I seriously doubt that they have the will to do this, there is a big difference between lame and stupid trolling and physically
doing something.

Still DC since you have been threatened I can think of no better excuse now not to stock up on extra "evil guns" :D

[This message has been edited by JoshM75 (edited October 22, 2000).]


Don't you love his/her professionalism and good grammar?


New member
Hey! I didn't think anybody really LIVED in Terlingua! I thought they shut it down after the BBQ's ended!

Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club
true story, a Union Gen. once said "Don't worry about those Rebs. They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist..SPLAT.