Unsized .32 S&W Long Bullets in .30 Luger?


New member
Is it dangerous to fire .32 S&W Long unjacketed lead bullets (95 grains at .312-.313 inches) in a .30 Luger Hi Power? So far there are no signs of high pressure and loading, ejection and accuracy are all fine. There has been no excessive leading although I have not fired more than 15 rounds.

The main reason I ask this question is that I was told that it is better to have a bullet thats slightly larger than groove diameter to have good accuracy. Since supposedly the .30 Luger Hi Power has a bore diameter of .308 inches, and A couple of thousands of an inch over size is good. But my lead bullets are larger than that.

What in your opinion are the negatives?
Should I just spring for a .309 sizer die and be done with it?
I had a French MAB with a .309 groove diameter that shot jacketed .32ACP just fine. Bores can all handle some degree of bullet sizing. You will probably won't see pressure issues unltil you get near maximum loads, then a difference between sized and unsized will become detectable and need to be watched out for. Just the same, keep an eye out for over-energetic ejection or other pressure signs with all reloads.

The problem is pistols often don't show the usual pressure signs before you've gone too far. But .004" to .005" over-size in a lead alloy bullet, while a little on the large side, is not terrible. .001" is usual for sized bullets, but .003" oversize is more usual for those shooting bullets "as cast", and that is common practice.

If I were you, I would borrow or buy one of the inexpensive Lee sizers and run a batch through just to see if you get an improvement in accuracy or not? That's the main reason to try it if your loads are mild.
