Unsafe or "Slob Shooter" TV Scenes


New member
It grates me every time I see certain "gunsmiths" shooting, but having a camera person looking from the muzzle end of a firearm. I'm pretty sure they only do the poses with empty weapons, but don't tell you.

Yes, they all say something like "Don't try this...", but that apparently doesn't stop uninformed people from doing it when guns are loaded, or they wouldn't have to give the "lawyer" warning.

The other thing that bothers me about these shows is that they go out and make a heck of a mess with explosions, broken concrete blocks, glass everywhere, and walk off without cleaning things or telling that someone will clean it. We see all kinds of messes in our gravel pits and informal shooting ranges here in Maine and we try to pick up after slobs as much as we can, but it's impossible when they shoot up TVs and other appliances.


New member
Sons of guns actually had a making of episode where they showed how rigorous the filming concerning the muzzle and everything else was

one guy stepped infront of a canon and got a royal verbal ass whooping:D


New member
Used to be there was always a caption at the bottom of the screen that said filmed with remote camera. I'll bet most of those shots are still done by remote it's just not mentioned anymore. I'm sure this is some sort of cost saving measure on the part of the producers but I agree there should be some mention of it. As for them cleaning up their messes, it would be nice if they mentioned that too even something as simple of "So and So you stay here and clean up this mess". I'm sure clean up doesn't get mentioned due to production staff figuring it doesn't make for good TV.


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
The production crew's interest is in the film itself, and much goes on that a viewer will never know about. And it's quite likely that the set is cleaned after the filming is done.

As near as I can tell, the greatest amount of mis-handling and weirdlies is in the so-called "action" movies. And the greatest amount of ignorance is among the politicians and media people.

Overall, however, it's TV, and one should always keep the salt shaker handy. I rarely if ever bother to watch.


New member
stu925 said:
...it would be nice if they mentioned that too even something as simple of "So and So you stay here and clean up this mess".

Pretty sure I saw them do something like that on SoG before I quit watching the show.


New member
It's not that the show folks don't clean up the messes, but that they give the impression that it's okay for everyone to make messes in the field or at the range and just leave them.

The safety thing is also important to stress. Yesterday, I watched a recorded program that appeared to use a hand-held camera from beyond the muzzle while shooting rifles in a narrow indoor range. The camera moved around as it covered the shooting of semi and full-auto rifles.


New member
Its entertainment, they're giving the viewers what they want . Nobody, myself included, wants to watch cleanup. Would 3 Gun Nation be fun to watch is they showed the 10 minutes of target pasting and resetting, that actually goes with the 30-60 seconds of actual trigger time on each stage? Thats not what the advertisers paying for the show want to see.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
People shouldn't make assumptions.

Not showing them clean up the mess isn't giving any impression at all, unless they SAY the mess isn't cleaned up.

The people who make a mess and don't clean it up don't need examples. Cleaning up after yourself is how you are or you aren't. If you do it now you're not going to stop and seeing it done on a tv show isn't going to be a revelation to you and make you start.

Does anyone really believe that someone has been going to the range and cleaning up after themselves until they see this show and then they say "Oh, I'm going to assume, since they didn't say one way or the other, that they didn't clean up their mess. I guess I don't have to either!"

This isn't an issue of knowing, it's an issue of caring. If you care, you clean up after yourself. If you don't, you don't.


New member
I agree. Bring back Curt Gowdy. (He's probably spinning in his grave with these new shows). "Razor" Dobbs? Do these guys dress in front of a mirror? Find the stupidest looking hat and then wear it backwords? Egotistical maniacs!


New member
It grates me every time I see certain "gunsmiths" shooting, but having a camera person looking from the muzzle end of a firearm. I'm pretty sure they only do the poses with empty weapons, but don't tell you.

They put the camera on a tripod and start recording. The shooter then points the gun at the unmanned camera. Extra footage is edited out.