Unpleasant situation!

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New member
I pulled into a Circle K.The driverside window was down.A 20ish, large, muscular man stuck his head & arms inside my truck & said"Give me some change! I don't care if I go to jail or not!" right in my face.I had a can on the seat that I keep my change in & my gun laying right beside it. I told him that I would if he got out of my truck,which he did. I gave him a handful of change & he left. I was mad about it,but think I did the right thing.


New member
I wonder how he would've felt about a facefull of pepper spray?

But yeah, that's a really bad approach on his part. I've given folks a buck or two here and there, but they asked nicely.

I can't say I'd have reacted any differently than you though, being caught off-guard like that.


New member
Charles Bronson says ... "Here's a .45 ... keep the change!"

*This statement is irony ... clearly this is not the way to deal with such situations*

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Bud Helms

Senior Member
The biggest problem with not informing the cops is the encouragement an incident like this gives the goblin. Now the next guy might not get off with a demand for "some change".

I don't blame you at all for dumping a can full of change on the guy just to get him away, but think, now he knows a compliant victim on sight. And he apparently wasn't put off too much by making demands from a complete stranger.

Now here's my question: Why, oh why, do people come here asking if they did the right thing in these kinds of situations? Apparently, you did the right thing because you're okay. Apparently you aren't sure if that's the right outcome. I don't understand. Why would our opinion matter? We weren't there.

And above all else, this is an internet bulletin board, for crikey's sake!

A few more (predictable) responses and I think this one may have to close down.



New member
Swing elbow into face, step on gas pedal, call police :D

In reality though if I were caught off guard I may have done the same. There is that little thing called situational awareness that should have been on


New member

You did the right thing.
If you drove off with the guy in your window you just know someone would have called the cops and said they saw your car dragging some guy. When they found him they he would have said he was politly asking you for directions or some BS and you dragged him three blocks.
As for pulling your gun why would you shoot someone for change or put events in motion where the guy might try and grap the gun or some other crap that would make you shoot him.
I am not sure once he was out of the car if I would have thrown change at him instead of just drove off but like someone else said in the heat of the situation it didn't hurt things. If it had been me and I kept my wits about me I would have liked to pull off get a good look at him and call the cops while keeping an eye on where he weant but its unlikley.


New member
Yea, you probably did what was best, pulling your gun in such a short-range encounter could have had disastrous consequences for you.


New member
Call the cops? Is it against the law to ask for change even if it is not politely? He did not touch me. Probably could be seen as threatening.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Call the cops? Is it against the law to ask for change even if it is not politely? He did not touch me.

A 20ish, large, muscular man stuck his head & arms inside my truck & said"Give me some change! I don't care if I go to jail or not! right in my face.

Okaaayyyyyy. :rolleyes:

So I guess some of us thought you felt threatened by the encounter. If you didn't, what was the purpose of the original post?

Doc Intrepid

New member

Of course you did the right thing.

You're fine. Your truck is fine. No one's hurt. Nothing is damaged. You're not looking at an arrest, court costs, lawyer fees, time off work, or potential jail time.

You got your coffee or whatever and drove off.

You probably gave the guy less than $3-4 bucks in change.

Any time you don't have to take a punch, take an asswhipping, shoot some moron, go to jail, etc., life is good.

It cost you less than a Grande Latte at Starbucks. Enjoy the fact that sometimes things work out fine.

Next time, like Bud and all the others have said, report it to the police, including a description of the goblin - because, also like they said, dumbassery is habit-forming and he'll likely do it again. If he doesn't mind going to jail, then thats where he needs to be.

Don't second guess yourself. Any time you don't have to pull the trigger is a 'win'. (IMHO. YMMV.)



Bayou Rifle

New member
Yep, well handled. A buddy of mine was in PetsMart one Saturday morning and came out and dropped his dog food in the back seat of his Mercedes and had just climbed in and shut the door when the passenger door opened and a guy demanded his money. It happens that quickly -- and these folks are skilled at just appearing out of nowhere, or we have trained ourselves to not see them.

In any event, glad you are safe and all it cost you is a buck or two in change. Much, much cheaper than living the rest of your life wondering whether you should have shot a bum over some loose change.


New member
This is ridiculous. Climbing into someone's car, a small enclosed space you're strapped into, is way over the line of what's acceptable regardless of intent.

That's like breaking into someone's house to ask for a cup of sugar. It puts him in a very tense situation, and if you're a bad guy he's in a very vulnerable position.

No don't floor it and drag the guy down the street, but I'd be doing whatever I could to get him back to a safe distance asap. I certainly wouldn't pay him for the experience. Best case now he goes and does that to 10 other people. Worst case he's as violent as he is stupid and just testing the waters for some girl he ends up attacking.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Jeremiiah/Az said:
A 20ish, large, muscular man stuck his head & arms inside my truck & said"Give me some change! I don't care if I go to jail or not!" right in my face.

Jeremiiah/Az said:
Call the cops? Is it against the law to ask for change even if it is not politely? He did not touch me. Probably could be seen as threatening.

I'm with Bud.

What was the point in posting this?


[QUOTEJeremiah/Az]ll the cops? Is it against the law to ask for change even if it is not politely? He did not touch me. Probably could be seen as threatening. [/QUOTE]



New member
We will see more of this as the eCONomy belly flops.

I am used to this kind of "asking" having lived in Norflok.
Lines like "hey man I just got out of prison, can you spare a few bucks?" are not uncomon.

It's YOUR decision how to handle it. Personally, you made out just fine, though I would have handled it diffrently. ( start driving away SLOWLY to let his hands get out of the way...)

This person was DESPRATE, jail would have provided him with some food and shelter... now he has enough for a happy meal... someone else won't be so kind to him and he WILL end up in jail sooner or later.


New member
to me that sounds like a demand, not a request, definetly would have called the police, not having been there it's hard to judge the situation and no one should fault you for sacrificing a couple bucks to avoid a confrontation, sadly though that seems like what this guy was counting on.
people say things like "I'll be damned before I let some one bully me".
and mabey they will be damned. or mabey they will be damned becuse
they let someone bully them.
In any case you made the safe and sane legal choice and its good to hear you drove away safe.
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