Unorthodox Positions


New member
How many of you practice shooting from unorthodox positions?

By unorthodox I mean flat on your back, half upside down under barricades etc.

Give good descriptions and your reasoning please.


New member
unorthodox? maybe not

On my back with feet used to kick at a swinging bag, as well as on both strong- and weak-side. All done with both dominant & non-dominant hand.

How about bobbing from right side to left side of a concrete pillar/column like you would find in a parking garage? Or while pushing significant other/ travelling companion to the left, right, rear. or left/right oblique? Or scooping up a toddler and heading for "cover" in a parking lot? How about wearing your good clothes (best suit?) and carrying something expensive you really do not want to break/scratch and being ambushed?

Everything except the first paragraph stuff is done with airsoft, and the last one done on a padded surface. Yes, shooting between your legs is extremely dangerous and I DO NOT recommend anyone try it themselves.

None of these are exercises that are done every trip to the range (my range will NOT allow me to even think about doing anything except switching sides while shooting from cover/concealment). But there are times & places where I can & do get to run "scenarios" with airsoft.

Why? Because they are all situations I will probably find myself in, as opposed to defending against a home invasion by Mongolian hordes on little ponies. Shopping center/mall parking lots. Parking garages. Elevators.

And that last one - about carrying the family's heirloom crystal punch bowl -- I am "allowed" to do it at walk-through speed only. You know, everything is done at a slow walking speed and you announce what you are doing/going to do. <I am dropping the punch bowl and turning to my left> *stops dead in tracks, places box containing punch bowl verrrry carrrefully on the ground* <I am shooting the ambusher wearing the red cummerbund> *fires 2 airsoft rounds at Cousin Freddy*

OK, Fred & I did it one time, and ever since we are not allowed in the same room as the punch bowl and are given plastic cups to drink from.

Seriously, with the use of airsoft it is not hard to run through what used to be considered "unorthodox" scenarios. As long as they are based in reality, as opposed to ninja dreams, they really are not "unorthodox" at all.

stay safe.



I concentrate on the proper grip and proper sight picture. If I do those, I can shoot from any position. Proper grip can include strong hand, weak hand, two hands and/or one hand shooting.


New member
I think shooting from different positions has a great amount of value to it. We teach it in our classes, and have the students shooting from several different positions instead of just standing at the firing line. In a real life situation, anything could happen. You could fall down, trip over a curb, etc. . You could be sitting down. The only available cover could force you to shoot in a "non-traditional" way.
If you have practiced, or at least had some experience in shooting from different positions, if the time were to ever come, you would at least have some sort of idea on how to do it. Good luck


New member
I fire while laying on my back, sitting, up on one knee, kneeling, squatting and standing. I practice prone on my stomach. Plus running to cover, moving left or right, charging and moving backward. I practice weak hand, strong hand and two hand. I practice reloading while moving and reloading in the dark. I have to disagree with Keltyke. There is great value in firing from many positions. In the army we had a saying about training - "train as you will fight". That means inventing all kinds of scenarios and using them in practice. It means being as prepared as possible for the unexpected.