Unorthodox Carry Idea???


Staff In Memoriam
For many reasons I have professed to not be real able to come up with a method to carry concealed... One thing is I just refuse to wear untucked shirts...

Another is IWB is just not a comfortable option with a tight belt and no natural cushion...

Another is I prefer a meaty pistol in a larger caliber starting at .40 so in the pocket of slacks with all my other pocket "needs" don't sound real good...

So today I get this wild idea that may just suit my needs...

Basically it would be using a "tactical" type thigh rig but worn under solid colored "BDU" type baggy legged cargo pants... Right side cargo pocket being modified to be easy to open velcro closed flaps allowing access to the concealed holster and firearm...

Anyone see it as a fairly viable place and way to carry? Any negatives that would be a deal breaker and any ideas to make it work better???



New member
I've had similar thoughts on this unorthodox but very viable method of carry.

Here are some ideas:

- Build the holster on the inboard side of the pocket with a strap around the leg.

- Run a strap inside the pants up to the belt to support the weight of the gun.

What I haven't figured out is how to keep the gun in position while sitting.


Staff In Memoriam
Treg, I too fore see an isue with gun position and floppy pocket syndrome if I incorporate the pocket into the holster system...

Thusly, I figure to, at most, use the pants, themselves, for only the upper support of the thigh rig somehow using my trouser belt...

Then, in most positions, the gun can be in nearly the same spot just inside the cargo pocket with "blown out" back panel....

Also, in OP I forgot to mention that ankle carry is out as well as I am slow to bend down to that far and real slow to stand back up due to physical limitations...

But I can sure get into my cargo pocket with a quickness...


Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Make a pocket inside the pocket that the holster goes down into, inside the pants. It will be held up by some attachment to your belt, (the hook from an IWB "tuckable" holster would be my suggestion). That way, the gun is held up by the belt and held laterally within the pocket.

Basically, you'd have a back pocket from a pair of jeans attached inside the pants.


Staff In Memoriam
BP, I am liking the idea of that...

One thing I must avoid at "certain times" of the week is that I do not give the impression of a heavy object in that pocket...


Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
You might want to maintain a strap around the thigh, attached to the new pocket, perhaps with the holster actually attached to the new pocket, as well as being supported by the belt strap. That way, the weight is on the belt so the pocket area doesn't sag, and the gun is held against your leg as you walk, so the pants don't swing as if a heavy object is in the pocket.


New member
One thing I haven't yet been able to figure out is how to keep it from sagging and drooping when you sit down.


Staff In Memoriam
The sagging on the leg a bit would be fine... I see some "Drop Down" systems with what appears to be more thigh straps... It will be far more secure than just in the pocket...

Just don't want it clunking on a chair etc...



New member
Just remember that velcro is noisy to unfasten. I'd try to think of another way to fasten the top of the pocket. Stealth is your friend.


New member
With regard to fasteners, I have some Woolrich concealed carry shirts that have a false bottom button - the closure is actually held by magnets sewn into the hem on the button line.

I'd think something similar would be possible for a cargo pocket, although the OP might have to craft his own.


New member
I wear 'Faded Glory' cargo shorts all summer, and the right top pocket is deep enough to carry a G-19...

No round in chamber...


Will this be able to allow the large pistol the OP says he likes to carry be easily done without printing? - between leg straps, large pistol, etc?
Interesting concept though
Glenn may have found it, but what Glenn found doesn't look right (but no fault of Glenn's). I am having a lot of trouble believing the woman can wear pants that tight that conceal a 1911 on her thigh without it looking like she has a giant tumbor. The guy model's version doesn't seem much more likely. They seem to have awfully tight pants to conceal guns that big. I can't imagine that sitting down they both don't look deformed. They seem to have missed hogdog's "baggy" criterion.

The looooong zipper for the draw seems problematic as well.


New member
They seem to have awfully tight pants to conceal guns that big. I can't imagine that sitting down they both don't look deformed. They seem to have missed hogdog's "baggy" criterion.

The looooong zipper for the draw seems problematic as well.

Not to mention, some godawful stitchery. What's with that band across the butt?

More of a cargo-type pant might work a bit better


New member
I wore enough cargo pants in Viet Nam, . . . and while I own at least three pair, . . . I doubt they will ever be worn out. I'm a "jeans & tee shirt" guy.

BUT, . . . hogdog has a good idea. I'd razor knife the back out of the right side pocket, . . . use velcro spots for closers (they make virtually no noise opening as they are only the size of a dime), . . . actually clamp the thigh holster to my thigh under the trousers, . . . and have an inverted "J" hook that would go to the top of my trouser belt to keep everything in line.

That would work, I am sure, . . . and if it didn't, . . . you're out the price of one pair of BDU's at the local Army/Navy store (about $10).

The only down side I see to it, . . . until your bare leg gets used to that holster a huggin' it all day long, . . . you might have a small rash if not a blister or two. Course, . . . you could line the thing with terry cloth or something soft.

May God bless,