Unorganized Militia same as FFL?


New member
well, they spelled "exercise" wrong in the form.

I wouldn't do it, but I'm just paranoid.


New member
...I freely choose to sign this form in exorcising my God given Constitutional Rights and fulfilling my Patriotic Duties including ownership of my firearm....

ex·or·cise ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ksôr-sz, -sr-)
tr.v. ex·or·cised, ex·or·cis·ing, ex·or·cis·es
1. To expel (an evil spirit) by or as if by incantation, command, or prayer.
2. To free from evil spirits or malign influences.

lol :D.


New member
You're going to need this, too:



New member
There is a Form 4473 Part 2, its a green form instead of the normal yellow, that allows for non-over the counter sales. I've heard its most used in states that require waiting periods for handguns, its sometimes possible (depending on state law) to use one of those at a gunshow, and once the waiting period is over the firearm is shipped to your door.

Even with that, I agree with Gorthaur and C. R. Sam, keep that Monopoly card close at hand.



New member
It's too good to be true: sign the paper and Schumer, Feinstein and the other evil spirirts will be exorcised out of my Bill of Rights?? :D


New member

(B2) Question: From whom may an unlicensed person acquire a firearm under the GCA?

Answer: A person may only buy a firearm within the person's own state, except that he or she may buy a rifle or shotgun, in person, at a licensee's premises in any state, provided the sale complies with state laws applicable in the state of sale and the state where the purchaser resides. [18 U. S. C 922( a)( 3) and (5), 922( b)( 3), 27 CFR 178.29]

BTW, do those "Get out of Jail" cards actually work? :)

Number 6


As in, anyone believing that moronic form has validity is

Too Stupid To Live,

and will soon be visited by the

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.......


New member
I truly wish I had the money for lawyers and politicians and the time to sit in jail to undertake a direct challenge like this. But since we live in the real world, best to just play by the rules.


I hope the guy doesn't mind me posting his reply... I like the last bit. If it gives a BATF agent an ulcer, it's served its purpose. :)
Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2002 10:40:54 -0500
From: Gideon Gun Sales

You know I occasionally get email concerning this link on my web site. The truth is that I put that there to let people know that we have Constitutional rights as Americans and that the 2nd Amendment of same clearly states that "The Right to Keep & Bear Arms Shall Not be infringed. The founding Fathers also considered All good & healthy Americans as part of the Militia. The point is that many people today believe the Government has no right to prevent any qualified citizen from purchasing firearms whenever or however they determine by their need or want. This includes everything from a Blackpowder Musket, which in some states require purchase from a Licence Dealer, to a full auto sub gun or rifle.

The bottom line is if I could send you a modern firearm directly then this is how I would do it. If I had unlimited finances or authority then I would challenge this in the Courts and/or Congress, unfortunately I have neither and I know of no organization that is willing to do so either.

I to consider myself part of the Un-organized Militia, but if I was to send or accept firearms directly then this would only invite trouble of the highest order from a overbearing government agency. I'm sure that you like myself do not need this trouble in your life at this or any time.

In closing I would like to say that I believe one day we will see a million American Citizens standing in the heart of DC with their Firearms in hand demanding their 2nd Amendment back from those tyrants who dared to suppress it. When that day comes you better believe I'll be there with 90% of my local & repeat Customers.

We apologize for any inconvenience or misleading information you may have gathered from that web page, it was not our intention. Perhaps I should put a disclaimer or explanation at header of page, but I think some email comes from ATF agents or States Attorneys, which makes it all worth while.

Wishfully thinking that one day our constitution will be honored.
God Bless