Unfair in L.A., Robert Blake with CCW


New member
Why does this guy have a CCW? Because he's an actor? Or because there was truly a need due to his wife's troubles? With so many actors/artists having personal difficulties with drugs, alcohol, marital problems, etc., they should be the least reliable. Also, with the political leaders being so anti-gun including the Sheriff and the LAPD Chief, doesn't it just smack of cronyism that celebrities are catered to in this way?


New member
I'm local, too, and I deduced just the opposite. They said several times on several stations that he LEFT the handgun at the restaurant, went back for it, and she was attacked in his absence. They have never said he was licensed, and I don't think he is. Usually the elitist media inform us prominently that "X" is different than you, he has a license, implying that we should not carry.

Two very strange things about this story, one being he somehow left the weapon at a restaurant.

Second, I understand that SHE was the reason he was carrying, she insisted on it. Fine. THen why does he leave her, alone, at night, so he can retrieve the misplaced pistol? At exactly the right time?

Kind of wierd, if you ask me.

Of course, you didn't.
Silly boy...

EVERYONE knows that the "beautiful people" have more rights than you or I.

Napoleon the pig would be proud...

Dave R

New member
If you want "unfair in CA", then consider that Sen. Feinstein, who has publicly stated that she would confiscate all guns if she could, has a CCW license. She obviously believes her life is worth defending, and yours is not.


Moderator Emeritus
Latest news report I've heard is that he does have a CCW.

Is this true? If so, how did he get it? I recall he had numerous drug problems with the law back in the '70's and 80's.
Oh, silly me...he is a Hollywood thespian; inherently better than us, the common vulgar rabble.

duck hunt

New member
I dunno about his CCW, but the story just gets more and more interesting. Apparently he had her sign a pre-nup stating that she would not "engage in criminal activity" after they were married, and they had to change their daughter's name from Brando when it turned out that Blake (and not Christian Brando) was proved to be the father.

I'm glad I left Hollywood. Man.
He doesn't need a permit because

he played a cop on TV shows. Therefore, the gun is a merely a "working" prop required for him to continue in his trade. We wouldn't need permits either if we were full time actors living in Hollywood.

El Rojo

New member
How do you forget your gun?

I have had my CCW here in Kern County (the highest number of CCW's in the PRK) for over a year. I don't know how it is possible to leave your gun anywhere and forget it. Especially in a restaraunt. This definetly reeks. I wonder what county he lived in. I do know that the Orange County Sheriff is a big RTKBA fan and started doing a very "liberal" issuing program, meaning he gives them to just about any one who asks. Maybe this guy lived in Orange County.

The bad thing about this situation is that the liberal media is not going to question the obviously poor judgement of the offical who issues these permits and the officials lack of issuing the permits to more qualified individuals outside of the People's Party. It is going to go against CCW's in general. You watch.


New member
He has a CCW according to the L.A. Times. He "left" his gun in the restaurant! Sure! He was carrying in the first place to protect his wife; so he leaves her alone in a car parked half a block away from the restaurant with the windows down. Uh Huh! This was a hit; check out his background. "Beretta" is a bull **** artist plain and simple..."and that's the name of that tune!"


New member
First of all he got his CCW from Culver City . His excuse was that his wife was being stalked ( PROOF????) . Now the big question .....Now that she's dead will his CCW be pulled ????? He don't need it no mo' .


New member
Cry baby bitching about the Hollywood elite aside, this is a strange case indeed and as more details are released the more it seems like Blake may be the number one suspect.


New member
He was carrying the gun in his waist band and left in the restaurant?????

A line from a crappy old movie:

"Fer Christ's sake Carmine, buy a f**k'en holster".

This sure doesn't pass the smell test, that's for sure.

Considering the events surrounding the marraige, and the other aspects of the case (HE LEFT HIS GUN WHERE???) I smell a case of "I just have to get rid of this crazy woman somehow".

But thats just my opinion.


New member
A news article that just layers on the oddness

So, did the deceased want Blake to pack a gun or not?



Los Angeles cops examine a garbage bin near where Robert Blake's wife was slain.
- Associated Press
May 8, 2001 -- Robert Blake's troubled wife lived in fear of the "Baretta" actor, who once warned her he "already had a bullet with her name on it," one of her relatives said last night.
"He was making a lot of verbal threats," Leebonny Bakley's half-brother, Peter Carlyon, told a Memphis TV reporter in an interview aired on KNBC-TV in Los Angeles.
"She had been talking 'life is such a headache, I feel like I'd be better off dead.'
"He made the statement to her that she didn't need to worry about it, he already had a bullet with her name on it."
Carlyon claimed Bakley was terrified of Blake because he carried a gun.
"I'm fearing for my life," Carlyon quoted her telling him. "If anything happens, he did it."
Carlyon stopped short of accusing Blake of Bakley's shooting death, but hinted he may have hired a hit man.
"I'm not saying he pulled the trigger, but he does have the financial means to have someone else pull the trigger," he said.
The Post also learned yesterday another pal worried about Bakley. Ray Hale, a former tour manager for rocker Jerry Lee Lewis, said Bakley "was real nervous and real scared when she was talking about this [situation]."
"She had told me . . . 'I'm more afraid of Robert Blake than I am with Christian Brando,'" Hale said.
Brando, son of actor Marlon Brando, served prison time for the death of his half-sister's lover.
Bakley, 44, dumped Brando for Blake several years ago.
Hale said Bakley had mixed feelings about Blake, the man with whom she had an 11-month-old daughter.
"When he's nice to me, I love him. When he's mean to me, I don't," Hale said Bakley told him.
"She said that he mentally abuses her, calls her stupid . . . ," Hale said from his Pennsylvania home.
Blake, 67, married Bakley last November after DNA tests verified he was the father of her daughter. They lived in separate quarters on property owned by Blake.
Bakley was shot through the head while sitting in a parked car outside the Studio City restaurant Vitello's, where the couple had just dined. Blake told cops that as she was being murdered, he was inside the restaurant retrieving a licensed handgun that he had dropped.
L.A. cops who interviewed Blake say he's not a suspect.
Yesterday, cops said they are looking into reports by Blake's lawyer, Harland Braun, that any number of people would have a motive for killing Bakley.
Bakley had a criminal record for Social Security card misuse and possession of stolen credit cards, and also had romanced and fleeced lonely men she met through personal ads she placed, her friends and family say.
A source close to Blake told The Post the LAPD has already tested Blake's hands for gun-powder residue and the test came back negative.


New member
I can’t believe that people here would question the integrity of an ACTOR, someone Hollywood holds in high esteem. Next you would probably try to convince me that politicians aren’t morally superior to us peasants! ;)