Undetectable Firearms Act, Part Deux

It's all over the news, and there's some confusion surrounding this. The House voted today to extend the Undetectable Firearms Act (UFA) for ten years (search for 3626 on the page). This is not, however, the expansion of the Act for which Senator Schumer has been calling. He plans to submit a separate bill after Congress reconvenes early next year. Rep. Steve Israel will likely be pushing it in the House, so he's the guy to watch for that.

The UFA was passed in 1988 and reauthorized in 2003. When 3D printers became big news last year, Israel started pushing for its renewal and expansion. His statement was somewhat ironic:

In 1988, when we passed the Undetectable Firearms Act, the notion of a 3D-printed plastic firearm slipped through metal detectors, onto our planes in secure environments was a matter of science fiction. The problem is that today it is a reality…so we have to act now.”

Yep. Despite being a "matter of science fiction," it still got passed, reauthorized, and renewed as of today. Go figure.


New member
If David says it, you can take it to the bank. He's as straight a shooter as they come.

So to clarify, the expansion that Sen. Schumer wants, which would curtail things like polymer mags, won't be brought up to a vote until after the first of the year?