
Steve in PA

New member

"Is daddy coming home soon?" asks a precious little face.
"It's past when he should be here.
Is he working on a case?"
Your dad's not coming home son.
He's working late tonight.
He's a policeman up in heaven, making sure we're all alright.
"But mommy, why'd he leave us?
I miss him when he's gone."
I know you miss him darling, but now we must be strong.
"Who's gonna teach me baseball, and help me fly my kite.
And help me with my homework,
and buy me my first bike?"
Your daddy loved you darling, and he didn't want to leave.
But a bad man took, your daddy, and left us all to grieve.
Be proud of who your dad was,
and how he earned his pay.
Because it's people like your daddy
that keep us safe each day.
"Mommy, when I get bigger, and if it's okay with you,
I'm gonna be like daddy, and be a policeman too."
