Unclenick's illustrations


New member
I'd like to be able to find, all in one place, Unclenick's illustrations, diagrams, etc.

I'm frequently ask to do introductory reloading "classes" for a couple of local churches Boy Scouts. This is always fun but the boys dad's are even more interested and a few have taken the plunge. I have downloaded the few of his illustrations I've come across to use as teaching aids (and to be honest for my own benefit). It would be nice to be able to not only see/find more but to have them in a centralized location.


New member
I agree it would be nice to have Unclenick's drawings in a central location but with that would go Unclenick's permission to use his drawings. Hopefully Unclenick will share his thoughts on the subject.


Gary Wells

New member
I would rather have Unclenick and that way we have both his knowledge and his expertise in either drawings or locating them.
Thanks much guys.

I have a forum set aside on another bulleting board for collecting my illustrations (which I just make as I need them; mostly in Turbocad, except the photos), but I have not fully populated or published that forum yet. I'll think about doing something here, too, but I am about three stickies and a year behind on things I've said I would put up here and need to get them done first.

You will note that, even though the law doesn't require it, I put the copyright notice on most of the drawings It's to serve as a reminder. My general policy is the illustrations are free to use for shooter education unless money is being made from them. In that case or if a commercial application comes up (for example, E.A. Browne used one in their newsletter one time) I request a donation be made to the veterans charity of your choice. No fixed amount, and it's on the honor system.


New member
"I request a donation be made to the veterans charity of your choice".

Way to go! :)

Actually any worthwhile cause is noble but thanks on behalf of the veterans. So you use Turbocad? You have done some incredible illustrations. Thanks for all you share.


Yes, I started with Turbocad Version 1 for DOS on my first 386 machine (around 1990, IIRC). I'd used a little of the command line version of Autocad on a 286 machine before then, and could have gone either way, but TC is much less expensive. It lacks some of the features of a high-end package, as you might expect. I can't do things like run pipes or conduits and get a reported length to buy nor does it have have built-in FEA as Solidworks does, but I've used Turbocad for so many years now that I can't see learning a whole other package just to be able to pay bigger annual subscription fees just to get the high-end features. So far, it does most of what I want.


New member
Thank You Sir for you response. USN Vietnam vet here, '67 -' 71 . I'd proudly donate to in your name to VAA.org


New member
Nicely setup, I like it.

Father and a brother served and I am immensely proud of both of them.


New member
Unclenick is truly a wealth of information. Guys like him are one reason I visit these types of forums regularly. Hope he will continue to share his knowledge.......


New member
His pictures are worth a thousand words . That's why we call him Unclenick. Thanks Again Unclenick .