Unbelievable thing from Geraldo just now on Fox


Member In Memoriam
Kinda watching Fox News while surfing TFL

Lorie Drew (sp?) is interviewing Geraldo right now & he's talking about how journalists are being specifically targeted, etc. & no "sanctity of the press." ... normal Geraldo stuff.

Camera pans to show his local security & Lorie asks if he (Geraldo) is carrying a gun. A very uncharcteristic pause & stammer covers G & he seems like he's got his hand caught in the cookie jar - bigtime.

Further questions from L & G states that "We have to be able to defend ourselves - this won't be a murder. It'll be a gun fight."

All indicators that G's packin'. :D

I'm frankly stunned - in a possitive way, if there's any doubt.

Now, it's a no-brainer to most of us, but :eek: how many of the flamin' left start catchin' the drift?


Staff Emeritus
Hey, Diane Feinswine carries. And the anti-gun newspaper fella (I forgot his name - CRS) shot a kid for using his swimming pool.

The elitists will have guns - they only want to destroy OURS!


Member In Memoriam
Yeah, I know.

Oh yeah, that swimming pool guy is Carl Rowan (?), I think. Came to mind somehow.

Anyway, seeing Geraldo stammering about having a gun in his pocket was fairly priceless.


New member
Ah yes! Laurie Dhue, remember her at frontsight with the uzi!:cool:

And she is smart too!

Would love to see Jerry Rivers get into a firefight with the taliban:D
Carl Rowan.

Gives Minnesota Fats a run for his money as the nation's greatest pool shooter.

Here's an interesting fact about Rowan (who is now dead). His son was an FBI agent, NRA board member, and big pro-gun advocate.

He also, illegally, gave the gun to his father.


New member
Osama and Geraldo meet face to face. Who do you root for?

You know.. the story is, that once upon a time in Fuedal japan if two samurai were to cross swords, more than likely, both would die.

We should be so lucky.




New member
Yes, only those really, really smart celebrities and politicians are intelligent enough to carry concealed. The rest of us idiotic peasants have to make do with OC spray and 911. :rolleyes:

Fred Hansen

New member
You know.. the story is, that once upon a time in Fuedal japan if two samurai were to cross swords, more than likely, both would die.

I think these two samurai would be called "Moe & Curly".

Who has Don Kings phone #? We could rebuild Manhattan with the Pay-per-view proceeds from "The Duel In Kabul" or " The Han' To Han' In Afganistan". The perspicacity of it all!:D


New member
I saw that.

Geraldo actually said he wasn't packing, but I think he was. anyway, i was waiting for him to pull he jacket aside and show the world what he was packing.

either way, Geraldo isn't responsible for the death of almost 4000 people.


New member
I saw the segment, and Geraldo admitted he was carrying a gun and said he hoped Roger Ailes (Director of Fox News) would understand. He also had personal bodyguards with guns. His brother, also a reporter, was with him and Geraldo indicated that his brother was carrying, too. Does anyone have any quotes from Geraldo about guns? If so, please post them along with URL or link.



Staff Emeritus
(Disclaimer: The following jest is the personal responsibility of the poster and in no manner reflects any opinion or policy of The Firing Line.)

Labgrade says, "Anyway, seeing Geraldo stammering about having a
gun in his pocket was fairly priceless."

Geraldo With a Gun?

He can’t do the walk but only talk it
He was on TV and could not flee us
There was no "pistol in his pocket,"
He was merely glad to see us! :D :D

Geraldo’s Gun

There's our Geraldo on TV
A moral guardian for you and me
His hand in his pocket, he makes a fist
But what he’s holding we may have missed

He pretends a Gold Cup he is packin’
But we suspect the truth is lackin’
Those who know his political leanings
Suspect he’d Rather have a Jennings.

(Although that’s bad, I could add more sin
And say he’d Rather have a Lorcin!)
But I’ll bet this about his gun
It ain’t for fighting, it’s just for fun. ;)


New member
I turned on Fox News last night, saw that AH and immediately turned the channel to MSNBC! :mad:

I can't stomach Geraldo but, he/she or any other reporter, newsperson, etc. who doesn't carry some sort of weapon while there for self defense is an idiot.
Geraldo is already an idiot but that would classify him as a bigger one! :eek:


New member
I had two thoughts while watching the Gerry Rivers / Lori Dheu discussion: 1.) It's the first time I've seen Geraldo caught completely off guard - he was stunned by the question. Looked like my nephew when I caught him with beer in his car, and; 2.) I think I might be "printing" if I were doing a personal interview with Lori....:cool:

Bill Barrett

New member
We know he knows a lot about firearms. Two days ago "War Correspondant" Rivera reported about Northern Alliance troops using a Taliban forces body as a rest for a "Heavy" machinegun and showed a soldier resting an AK over a body.

ed mason

New member
I can remember back in the old days when he was with 20/20 that he went undercover to the "gun world on the streets" and
bought a hipoint 9mm for $500 and went on camera and said he bought a glock!!!!

This would be the only time I would cheer on the taliban!!!!!1

Bam Bam

New member
To echo what Dennis said, the media-elite and their leftist darlings are full of love...for themselves. Yep, THEY can have guns to protect themselves from the unwashed.


New member
Two comments: Nobody thinks more highly of Geraldo than Geraldo. I have to believe the main reason he's over there is he was dying on the vine with his talk show (no more big trials to dissect). Hence, a chance to bring himself back into public attention. I think that once he reflects on the fact that he has been discovered carrying, he'll probably want to pose for a picture of himself surrounded by Northern Alliance troops, leather jacket open-pistol exposed, white silk scarf blowing in the wind. He knows a photo op when he smells one, and anything he can do to furthur his self-made macho image is what drives this guy.:barf:

Second point. Not only is Carl Rowan, Jr. very pro-gun, but he's a board member of LEAA (Law Enforcement Alliance of America). geegee