UN Treaty & Constitutional Rights

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I have read many good replies on this on the links given concerning UN Resolutions giving away our Constitutional Rights, but here's a good reply back to those that say none of this can ever happen ect... I Got it, I understand what you’re saying as far as it “Can’t happen”, but now understand what I am saying:

Who would have ever though that our legal system would totally ignore the words "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"
In any other context the words "Shall not be infringed" would means hands off, don't touch, leave it alone, can’t be touched or messed with.

The plain English of the founding fathers is ignored in part or in whole by judges and lawyers and politicians as if it is a simple whim. Folks it is simple plain English, it was wrote in plain English so that everyone could and would understand what it means.

Yet we live with and pay fees for permits to buy a pistol or get a concealed carry permit. Rights aren’t supposed to come with fees...

Did you pay your Freedom of Speech fee for this year and are you carrying your Freedom of Speech card around just in case someone wants to see it? How about your Freedom of Religion Card, have you paid that tax and got your state and federal background check done on that yet? Certainly a right requires a background check!
A Right is a “Right” and once you allow anyone to put a fee on it then it’s no longer a right but rather a “privilege” that the state or federal government might maybe have the decency to let you enjoy, maybe.

The Second Amendment is right up there with the first in the Bill of Rights and yet apparently our legal system can’t understand the simple comment of “Shall not be infringed”.

Right now there is a legal battle going on to apply the Second Amendment to the states through the use of other Amendments. How is it that the rest of the Bill of Rights has not encountered these same challenges? Obviously there must be something more at work here or is it convenient willful ignorance?

How we as a people have not lawfully impeached these lawyers, judges and politicians and legally removed them under common consensus is dumbfounding to say the least.

Want to make a political statement lawyers, judges and politicians will understand, impeach them for failing to support the constitution of the United States as they have sworn to do.

Now how this all ties in with the UN and what can and cannot happen.
(I am not debating the Heath Care bill that was passed but rather using it for illustration). Remember the Federal Heath Care Bill that just passed even though poll after poll showed that more than 50% of the nation did not want it? What makes you think our political system would not or could not do it again only this time in signing an international treaty?

Ah yes you’re going to say no treaty can override the Constitution of the US or the Bill of Rights… Sure and no one could ever try to prevent legal gun ownership or make you pay fees to do what you legally have a Constitutional right to do.

My point is that what is written in black and white on paper only means something if “We the people” force our political system to honor it. If they don’t honor the Constitution and the Bill of Rights then maybe it’s high time to vote them out, impeach them or subject them to mass public rebuke.
I keep telling myself none of this stuff is ever going to happen, yea well and our representatives would never vote against the will of the majority of American citizens either right?

Call me a nut, call me whatever just don’t forget to pay your tax for each right you intend to use because Im sure that's what the founding fathers must have intended..... We just dont know how to read the words right or in the right way it must be special English not meant for normal people... Or is it as I see it, that they are the ones that don't know how to read it?

What would George Washington say? I bet he's ashamed.
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