Umbrella Mistaken for Gun @ Burlington Mall...


If you saw the way it was carried and how the handle was made, it isn't hard to see how a soccer mom would think like that. Actually, it looked more like he was carrying a samurai sword


New member
From my car, I saw a guy carrying an umbrella the other day outside a retirement facility and did a double-take until I slowed down to take a closer look. The way it was cradled in his arm it looked a lot like an AR, and the length is about right.

New member
spacecoast said:
did a double-take until I slowed down to take a closer look.

There's the rub, you used common sense, not jumping straight to the "Oh my god he has a rifle, lock down the retirement facility, he's gonna start a shooting massacre!"


New member
I couldn't find the video.
But, there are times when the 'authorities' grossly overeact.
I remember the time when a man in a hurry ran up the 'down' escaltor at an airport. Airports, take offs and landings across the country were shut down for hours so an investigation could be conducted. Insane.
Years ago when I lived in Washington DC I was unloading some stuff from my car. One item was a woodworker's pipe clamp.

I had it draped over my arm not unlike how you carry a shotgun, and a cop (we lived very near the district station) cruised up behind me.

He got out with his hand on his gun.

It was a little tense for a few seconds until I was able to show him exactly what it was.