ultramax brass


New member
I have some ultramaxx brass that I had saved from before I started reloading.

is this brass worth saving and reloading?? It is remanufactured ammo so I am not sure how many time it has been loaded. I went through it and sorted out what I didn't like.

what do you guys think???



New member
sorry it is 223 brass. there is some nicks on the neck. I threw the ones with bad dings in them but there is some wear on them.


Are the nicks from your gun?

Ain't gonna hurt nothing by at least trying them... I'd say full-length size them (if for a semiauto) or neck-size them (for a bolt or single shot), deburr the nicks or dings off the case mouth, and have at 'em.

My M1A is pretty mean to .308 brass, but I still get 5+ loadings out of them.

Don't waste a bunch of time loading up 100 or more... try it out with maybe 10 or 20 (a full magazine would be good if for an AR) with conservative loads and standard bullet weights with FMJ bullets. 55gr is the .223 standard, right?


New member
All the .223 Ultramax remanufactured stuff I have is Lake City brass. Good enough in most cases for my extra special super duper loads.


New member
I've never seen Ultramaxx headstamped brass. How do they mark it? U-M or something? I'm guessing mc223 is right on. It's probably L-C or some other brass manufacturer. Probably whatever was the cheapest brass they could buy to remanufacture it.


New member
your right it is L C brass. I am sorry it was produced by ultramax I didn't look at the brand of brass. Is the L C brass any good then?? I inspected it prettty good and was pretty picky on what I kept.

Some of the necks were dented and stuff.


New member
Unless those neck dents are really deep, most will be straightened in the sizing die. The rest will straighten right out upon firing. So barring neck splits or other extreme damages, your brass is very likely all reusable. For really bent case mouths I have a super secret tool that will fix them right up.


New member
Yeah, dented necks would have been fixed as it went through the expander ball. I think you through away some good brass.


New member
the handfull I threw away were not just nicks in the neck!! some of them were pieces missing to where trimming would not take care of it and some of them had gouges out of them at least half way through the case. I kept all of the ones with the slight nicks the ones that looked bad I threw away.